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In Mirrors

What do you think of yourself and What do others think of you

in mirrors

We all possess a mental image of ourselves, and we firmly believe that our behavior and actions mirror that image. However, the reality is often more complex. Our actions might actually reflect a personality that deviates from our self-perception. For example, when you present a piece of candy to a child, you may think of yourself as a good person, but the reality is that you have acted poorly with regard to the child’s health. This complexity deepens when we consider the diverse perspectives others use to perceive our behavior and construct their own mental images of us. Your coworker, whom you find tiresome due to his predictable jokes, might be considered humorous by your manager. This same individual, in turn, might be perceived as intelligent by a third colleague simply because he has successfully gained the boss's favor. Personality development requires us to examine not only the personality we project but also how different groups interpret this reflection, potentially shaping their perceptions of us.

Here's how to see your personality reflected in others' eyes:

1. Choose the right personality test.
2. Take the questionnaire to understand your self-perception (your own mirror).
3. Sign in and invite friends to take the questionnaire for you (create reflections).
4. Wait a bit and log back in to see how your friends perceive you.
  • MBTI


    The MBTI is a reliable and valid instrument that measures and categorizes your personality and behavior.
    According to Carl Jung you can predict differences in people’s behavior if you know how they prefer to use their mind; we each have an inborn preference for using our mind in one of two different ways, in four different categories:
    - Extraverted (Energized by others) or Introverted (Energized by ideas, emotions, memories)
    - Sensing (Using five senses) or Intuition (Using gut or instincts)
    - Thinking (Logical, problem solvers) or Feeling (Consider others, compassionate)
    - Perceiving (Taking in information) or Judging (Organizing information and making decisions)

    • There are a ...More

  • Team Role

    Team Role

    Within the dynamic tapestry of any team, individuals play distinct roles, each contributing a unique thread that strengthens the collective fabric. Just as a symphony's harmony arises from the interplay of diverse instruments, so too does a team's success depend on the effective collaboration of its members.

    As you embark on this Team Role Assessment, you will embark on a journey of self-discovery, illuminating your inherent strengths and identifying your natural inclination towards one of four key team roles:

    - Analysts: The Keen-Eyed Investigators
    Analysts are the inquisitive minds that delve into the depths of information, meticulously scrutinizing data to extract ...More

  • Leadership Style

    Leadership Style

    There are different leadership styles, each of which can be appropriate and effective in different situations. Most of us, if we find ourselves in a leadership role, have a preference for a particular style. This questionnaire is designed to help you think about your preferences. Please read each statement and tick the appropriate box, indicating what you think is true for you.
    Leadership is exercised in different ways by different people in different situations. The following are examples of different leadership styles. None is the ‘right’ way; each has their strengths and weaknesses, and each would be ‘right’ for certain ...More



    Brain dominance is a theory that infers that we have a preference for using one hemisphere of the brain over the other hemisphere. The left hemisphere of the brain is more rational, analytical, and verbal, while the right hemisphere is more holistic and intuitive, responsive to visual imagery. This test is designed to reveal your “dominant side” and examine how you can use this insight to maximize your learning experience.

  • Big Five Personality

    Big Five Personality

    The Big Five is a widely accepted personality test theory. It’s also known as the OCEAN personality test, is based on the Big Five model that defines human personality as the combination of 5 personality traits or factors
    – Openness
    – Conscientiousness
    – Agreeableness
    – Extraversion
    – Neuroticism
    (making the acronym – OCEAN).
    The Big Five personality test describes people based on their standing on five broad personality traits. OCEAN test is commonly used in the corporate world as it is known to predict important job-related outcomes, such as job performance, a person’s potential for burnout, his/her trainability and subsequent job satisfaction.

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