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MBTI- ENTJ Personality

MBTI- ENTJ Personality
ENTJs, also known as Commanders, are charismatic and visionary leaders who are driven to achieve great things. They are strategic thinkers with a knack for problem-solving and a strong desire to make a positive impact on the world. ENTJs are often found in positions of power and influence, where they can use their natural abilities to lead and inspire others.

ENTJ and Myers Briggs Personality Test

The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) is an introspective self-report questionnaire designed to identify a person's personality type, preferences, and strengths. It is based on the work of Carl Jung, who developed a theory of psychological types that categorized individuals based on their preferences for four key dichotomies:
Introversion (I) vs. Extraversion (E): Individuals who are more introspective and energized by solitude are categorized as introverts, while those who are more outgoing and energized by social interaction are categorized as extraverts.
Sensing (S) vs. Intuition (N): Individuals who focus on concrete details and facts are categorized as sensors, while those who prefer abstract concepts and possibilities are categorized as intuitives.
Thinking (T) vs. Feeling (F): Individuals who make decisions based on logic and reason are categorized as thinkers, while those who consider emotions and personal values are categorized as feelers.
Judging (J) vs. Perceiving (P): Individuals who prefer structure and closure are categorized as judgers, while those who are more flexible and adaptable are categorized as perceivers.
Read more and take a quick MBTI test to assess your personality.

ENTJ Personality Type

ENTJs are decisive, strategic, and natural leaders. Their primary function is Extraverted Thinking which allows them to be organized as well as aptly categorize things. They have the keen ability to see the consequences before acting on a plan. Because of their natural ability to devise contingency plans, they usually take on the role as the leader. They find themselves in charge because they have an inclination to give structure to a project. Rather than establishing plans, they look ahead and establish goals (Butt “ENTJ”). ENTJs are willing to invest every resource (that they believe is efficient) into achieving something. They dislike errors and can be demanding. Because they are incredibly organized, inefficiency and personal problems that arise may not be tolerated by the ENTJ. Because of this, they may be perceived as harsh by their peers. ENTJs are quick decision makers and may have brilliant ideas. However, they may not be readily able to act upon their idea. As Extroverts and Thinkers, they are energized by challenging conversations.
ENTJs can be stubborn if new ideas do not coincide with their own. They have no problem with conflict and may appear argumentative. They have a tendency to be confrontational and may come across as aggressive. Because of their natural leadership ability, they may appear to be controlling. ENTJs are not in tune with other’s feelings and have difficulty expressing their own emotions (“Portrait of an ENTJ”).

Jungian functional preference ordering:

Dominant: Extraverted Thinking
Auxiliary: Introverted Intuition
Tertiary: Extraverted Sensing
Inferior: Introverted Feeling

ENTJ’s generally have the following traits:

• Driven to turn theories into plans
• Highly value knowledge
• Future-oriented
• Natural leaders
• Impatient with inefficiency and incompetence
• Want things structured and orderly
• Excellent verbal communication skills
• Dislike routine, detail-oriented tasks
• Self-confident
• Decisive ENTJ’s are especially well-suited to be leaders and organization builders. They have the ability to clearly identify problems and innovative solutions for the short and long-term well-being of an organization. Having a strong desire to lead, they're not likely to be happy as followers. ENTJ’s like to be in charge, and need to be in charge to take advantage of their special capabilities.

ENTJ Strengths

• Genuinely interested in people's ideas and thoughts
• Enthusiastic and energetic
• Take their commitments very seriously
• Fair-minded and interested in doing the Right Thing
• Very good with money
• Extremely direct and straightforward
• Verbally fluent
• Enhance and encourage knowledge and self-growth in all aspects of life
• Able to leave relationships without looking back
• Able to turn conflict situations into positive lessons
• Able to take constructive criticism well
• Extremely high standards and expectations (both a strength and a weakness)
• Usually have strong affections and sentimental streaks
• Able to dole out discipline

ENTJ Weaknesses

• Their enthusiasm for verbal debates can make them appear argumentative
• Tendency to be challenging and confrontational
• Tend to get involved in "win-lose" conversations
• Tendency to have difficulty listening to others
• Tendency to be critical of opinions and attitudes which don't match their own
• Extremely high standards and expectations (both a strength and a weakness)
• Not naturally in tune with people's feelings and reactions
• May have difficulty expressing love and affection, sometimes seeming awkward or inappropriate
• Can be overpowering and intimidating to others
• Tendency to want to always be in charge, rather than sharing responsibilities
• Can be very harsh and intolerant about messiness or inefficiency
• Tendency to be controlling
• May be slow to give praise or to realize another's need for praise
• If unhappy or underdeveloped, they may be very impersonal, dictatorial, or abrasive
• Tendency to make hasty decisions
• Make explode with terrible tempers when under extreme stress

Potential Problem Areas

ENTJ may show some or all of the following weaknesses in varying degrees:
• May be unable to understand other people’s needs where these differ from their own.
• May unwisely assume their ideas are the only right ones and are therefore being fully implemented by others.
• May become childishly petulant or angered when confronted by situations which require feeling judgments.
• May become so engrossed in a plan or ambition that personal needs and the needs of others are forgotten.
• May take every decision not made in agreement with their rational beliefs as a personal rejection.
• May be easily taken in or manipulated by others via agreement with their rational attitudes.
• May become obsessed with small obstructions and difficulties to the point where the overall plan is forgotten
• May believe natural limitations are actually ailments which ought to be eradicated
• May assume others are ever plotting against them.
• May believe only their own view of the world or a situation is correct, even to the point that they make it into a kind of dogma which must be followed by those around them.


• Entrepreneur
• Business Administrator
• Judge / Lawyer
• Manager
• Politician
• Teacher / Professor
• Banker
• Medical Doctor
• Software Designer
• Scientist

Key Elements to Working with this Type

• Do offer promising new ideas, ENTJs love hearing about new concepts.
• Do be direct with the ENTJ.
• Do not make up excuses, ENTJs will not tolerate it.
• Do engage the ENTJ in lively, thoughtful conversations.

ENTJs are often found in leadership roles in business, government, and other organizations. They are also successful entrepreneurs, inventors, and scientists.
If you are an ENTJ, you are a natural leader with the potential to achieve great things. Use your strengths to make a positive impact on the world.

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