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MBTI- INTP Personality

MBTI- INTP Personality
INTPs, also known as Logicians or Thinkers, are highly analytical and intellectual individuals who are fascinated by the underlying patterns and principles of the world. They are often referred to as "the Logicians" because of their strong preference for logic and reason. INTPs are driven by a desire to understand the world around them and to find innovative solutions to complex problems.

INTP and Myers Briggs Personality Test

The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) is an introspective self-report questionnaire designed to identify a person's personality type, preferences, and strengths. It is based on the work of Carl Jung, who developed a theory of psychological types that categorized individuals based on their preferences for four key dichotomies:
Introversion (I) vs. Extraversion (E): Individuals who are more introspective and energized by solitude are categorized as introverts, while those who are more outgoing and energized by social interaction are categorized as extraverts.
Sensing (S) vs. Intuition (N): Individuals who focus on concrete details and facts are categorized as sensors, while those who prefer abstract concepts and possibilities are categorized as intuitives.
Thinking (T) vs. Feeling (F): Individuals who make decisions based on logic and reason are categorized as thinkers, while those who consider emotions and personal values are categorized as feelers.
Judging (J) vs. Perceiving (P): Individuals who prefer structure and closure are categorized as judgers, while those who are more flexible and adaptable are categorized as perceivers.
Read more and take a quick MBTI test to assess your personality.

INTP Personality Type

INTPs are reserved, logical, and abstract individuals. The primary function of the INTP is Introverted Thinking while their auxiliary function is Extraverted Intuition. This makes them abstract thinkers who are more interested in theoretical concepts and ideas than what is immediate. The INTP is an individual who is constantly seeking knowledge and understanding. They are often disengaged from the world around them and prefer to observe and understand rather than participate and work. They approach situations objectively and seek to understand. They are problem solvers, but once they have thought through a solution they prefer to leave it to others to enact (James).
They have little concern for detail and prefer to look at a bigger picture. They are constantly analyzing the world around them and are more concerned with temporal change than all other things. If something has not moved and is of little use it will often disappear in the mind of the INTP (James). INTPs are independent and believe others should be as well. They often look to learn proficiency in an area, but rarely look for mastery. For this reason they expect others to be beyond error.
Weaknesses of the INTP include unwilling to try new things—this is because the INTP may be uncomfortable with things they are not familiar with. They are not naturally in tune with other people’s feelings and may not display affection or approval when needed. When under stress, they may have an unhealthy habit of showing intense emotion which leads to other personal problems. The INTP may also appear caustic and indifferent to the opinions of others (“Portrait of an INTP”).

Jungian functional preference ordering:

Dominant: Introverted Thinking
Auxiliary: Extraverted Intuition
Tertiary: Introverted Sensing
Inferior: Extraverted Feeling

INTP’s generally have the following traits:

• Love theory and abstract ideas
• Truth Seekers - they want to understand things by analyzing underlying principles and structures
• Value knowledge and competence above all else
• Have very high standards for performance, which they apply to themselves
• Independent and original, possibly eccentric
• Work best alone, and value autonomy
• Have no desire to lead or follow
• Dislike mundane detail
• Not particularly interested in the practical application of their work
• Creative and insightful
• Future-oriented
• Usually brilliant and ingenious
• Trust their own insights and opinions above others
• Live primarily inside their own minds, and may appear to be detached and uninvolved with other people INTP’s have a special gift with generating and analyzing theories and possibilities to prove or disprove them. They have a great deal of insight and are creative thinkers, which allow them to quickly grasp complex abstract thoughts. They also have exceptional logical and rational reasoning skills, which allow them to thoroughly analyze theories to discover the Truth about them. Since the INTP is driven to seek clarity in the world, we have a happy match of desire and ability in this personality type. INTP’s will be happiest in careers which allow them a great deal of autonomy in which they can work primarily alone on developing and analyzing complex theories and abstractions, with the goal of their work being the discovery of a truth, rather than the discovery of a practical application.

INTP Relationships

INTP’s live rich worlds inside their minds, which are full of imagination and excitement. Consequently, they sometimes find the external world pales in comparison. This may result in a lack of motivation to form and maintain relationships. INTP’s are not likely to have a very large circle of significant relationships in their lives. They're much more likely to have a few very close relationships, which they hold in great esteem and with great affection. Since the INTP's primary focus and attention is turned inwards, aimed towards seeking clarity from abstract ideas, they are not naturally tuned into others' emotional feelings and needs. They tend to be difficult to get to know well, and hold back parts of themselves until the other person has proven themselves "worthy" of hearing the INTP's thoughts. Holding Knowledge and Brain Power above all else in importance, the INTP will choose to be around people who they consider to be intelligent. Once the INTP has committed themselves to a relationship, they tend to be very faithful and loyal, and form affectionate attachments which are pure and straight-forward. The INTP has no interest or understanding of game-playing with regards to relationships. However, if something happens which the INTP considers irreconcilable, they will leave the relationship and not look back.

INTP Strengths

• They feel love and affection for those close to them which is almost childlike in its purity
• Generally laid-back and easy-going, willing to defer to their mates
• Approach things which interest them very enthusiastically
• Richly imaginative and creative
• Do not feel personally threatened by conflict or criticism
• Usually are not demanding, with simple daily needs

INTP Weaknesses

• Not naturally in tune with others' feelings; slow to respond to emotional needs
• Not naturally good at expressing their own feelings and emotions
• Tend to be suspicious and distrusting of others
• Not usually good at practical matters, such as money management, unless their work involves these concerns
• They have difficulty leaving bad relationships
• Tend to "blow off" conflict situations by ignoring them, or else they "blow up" in heated anger

Potential Problem Areas

INTP may show some or all of the following weaknesses in varying degrees:
• The INTP gets "stuck in a rut" and only does those things that are known and comfortable to the INTP.
• The INTP resists and rejects anything that doesn't support their own experiential understanding of the world. If they perceive that something is not logical, they reject it as unimportant.
• They reject people who think or live differently than themselves.
• They may be extremely caustic and insulting to others.
• They may become isolated from society.
• They may become overly paranoid about social organizations and institutions trying to control them.
• They may unknowingly or uncaringly hurt people's feelings.
• They may be completely unaware of how to express their inner world to others in a meaningful way.
• They may be completely unaware of the type of communication that is often desirable and (to some degree) expected in an intimate relationship. If they are aware of the kinds of things that are appropriate to say and do to foster emotional bonding, they may be unable to appreciate the value of such actions. They may feel too vulnerable to express themselves in this fashion, and so reject the entire idea.
• If pushed beyond their comfort level to form commitments or emotional bonds, they may reject a relationship entirely.
• Under stress, they may show intense emotions that seem disproportionate to the situation.
• They may not recognize basic social principles, such as appropriate dress and general behavior.


• Scientist
• Photographer
• Mathematician
• Teacher / Professor
• Computer Programmer
• Engineer
• Lawyer / Judge
• Forensic Research
• Technical Writer
• Park Ranger
• Strategic Planner

Key Elements to Working with this Type

• INTPs value logic above all else, so maintain logical arguments.
• Do not insult an INTP or dismiss their values: they will get extremely defensive.
• INTPs act like mirrors to those they are around: they reciprocate emotions.
• Plans and schedules do not suit an INTP: give them freedom of action.
• Be honest with an INTP.

If you are an INTP, you are a highly intellectual and analytical individual with the potential to make a positive impact on the world. Use your strengths to solve complex problems, make innovative discoveries, and build a better future.

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