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Computer Question Bank
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Which of the following is not anti-viruses software?
  1. NAV
  2. F-Prot
  3. Oracle
  4. McAfee

Q2. The question mark (?) indicates in file searching

  1. A single character
  2. A group of character
  3. Questions
  4. None of above
Correct Answer

Q3. Ms Access: A list consists of last names, first names, address and pin codes if all people in the list have the same last and the same pin code, a useful key would be

  1. The pin code
  2. The last name
  3. A compound key consisting of the first name and the last name
  4. All of the above
Correct Answer

Q4. Ms Excel:To save a workbook, you:

  1. Click the save button on the standard toolbar from the menu
  2. Press Ctrl+F5
  3. Click Save on the Windows Start button
  4. Select Edit>Save
Correct Answer

Q5. Ms Word: What is the shortcut key to Close Active Document in Microsoft Word?

  1. Ctrl + F4
  2. Shift + F4
  3. Ctrl + Shift + F4
  4. None of above
Correct Answer

Q6. Which unit is known as nerve center of computer?

  1. ALU
  2. CU
  3. Memory
  4. Registers
Correct Answer

Q7. Ms Word: Although it is not shown in normal view, to view a header, click _____ on the menu bar and then click Header and Footer.

  1. View
  2. Edit
  3. Format
  4. Tools
Correct Answer

Q8. What is a brand?

  1. The name of companies that made computers
  2. The name of product a company gives to identify its product in market
  3. A name of class to indicate all similar products from different companies
  4. All of above
Correct Answer

Q9. Ms Word: Which of the following option is not available in Insert >> Picture ?

  1. Chart
  2. Word Art
  3. Clip Art
  4. Graph
Correct Answer

Q10. Ms Word: What happens when you insert an AutoShape by simply clicking in the document?

  1. it appears near the insertion point
  2. it is inserted in its default size
  3. is selected
  4. all of the above
Correct Answer

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