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Communication Skills Question Bank
for Exam preparation

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Meta-communication relates to the speaker’s:
  1. intentional choice of words
  2. intentional choice of dress
  3. unintentional choice of both words and dress
  4. unintentional choice of words

Q2. Positive gestures are body signals that make you look:

  1. arrogant
  2. hurtful
  3. nervous
  4. relaxed
Correct Answer

Q3. In many parts of the world, such as Latin America and India, keeping the eyes lowered is a sign of:

  1. evasiveness
  2. timidity
  3. respect
  4. dishonesty
Correct Answer

Q4. In business, when you fail to recall the name of a person met earlier, you can ask him or her:

  1. for his or her initials
  2. to excuse you for forgetting his or her name
  3. for his or her surname
  4. for his or her business card
Correct Answer

Q5. In business, keep telephone calls very short because the other person may not be:

  1. noting down what you say
  2. paying attention to you
  3. free to talk to you
  4. interested in talking to you
Correct Answer

Q6. To be able to give a good presentation, a full rehearsal is:

  1. audience based
  2. necessary
  3. optional
  4. useless
Correct Answer

Q7. An e-mail’s style is determined by a person’s:

  1. English
  2. culture
  3. status
  4. communicative ability
Correct Answer

Q8. A summary placed at the beginning of the CV acts as a:

  1. preface
  2. letter of recommendation
  3. statement of objectives
  4. synopsis
Correct Answer

Q9. Persuasion is an essential element of effective negotiation because it helps in:

  1. resolving disputes among people
  2. effecting agreements and solutions in the interest of all
  3. achieving one’s own interests
  4. settling issues between two parties
Correct Answer

Q10. Forecasting determines organizational:

  1. performance
  2. feedback
  3. objectives and policies
  4. budget
Correct Answer

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