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Computer Question Bank
for Exam preparation

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When did IBM introduce the 20286 based PC/AT?
  1. 1982
  2. 1984
  3. 1985
  4. 1989

Q2. The necessary conditions needed before deadlock can occur?

  1. No Mutual Exclusion, Hold and wait, Preemption, Circular Wait
  2. Mutual Exclusion, No Hold and wait, Preemption, Circular Wait
  3. Mutual Exclusion, Hold and wait, No Preemption, Circular Wait
  4. Mutual Exclusion, Hold and wait, Preemption, No Circular Wait
Correct Answer

Q3. Which statement is valid about interpreter?

  1. It translates one instruction at a time
  2. Object code is saved for future use
  3. Repeated interpretation is not necessary
  4. All of above
Correct Answer

Q4. Ms PowerPoint:PowerPoint 2000 has ……. Number of views

  1. 3
  2. 4
  3. 5
  4. 6
Correct Answer

Q5. Number crunchier is the informal name for

  1. Mini computer
  2. Super computer
  3. Microcomputer
  4. Mainframe computer
Correct Answer

Q6. Ms Access: A(n) _______________ query locates data from one or more tables.

  1. select
  2. summary
  3. parameter
  4. action
Correct Answer

Q7. Ms Excel:Which of the following is not the correct method of editing the cell content?

  1. Press the Alt key
  2. Press the F2 key
  3. Click the formula bar
  4. Double click the cell
Correct Answer

Q8. Ms PowerPoint:What is the shortcut key to start presentation from current slide?

  1. F5
  2. Alt + F5
  3. Ctrl + F5
  4. Shift + F5
Correct Answer

Q9. Ms Access: A list consists of last names, first names, address and pin codes if all people in the list have the same last and the same pin code, a useful key would be

  1. The pin code
  2. The last name
  3. A compound key consisting of the first name and the last name
  4. All of the above
Correct Answer

Q10. Ms Excel:How to fit long texts in a single cell with multiple lines?

  1. Start typing in the cell and press the Enter key to start another line
  2. Use the Wrap Text option in the Format -> Alignment menu
  3. Use the Shrink to Fit option in the Format -> Cells -> Alignment menu
  4. All of above
Correct Answer

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