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Computer Question Bank
for Exam preparation

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Personnel who design, program, operates and maintains computer equipment refers to
  1. Console-operator
  2. Programmer
  3. Peopleware
  4. System Analyst

Q2. A computer consists of

  1. A central processing unit
  2. A memory
  3. Input and output unit
  4. All of the above
Correct Answer

Q3. Ms Word: What is the use of bookmarks in Microsoft Word?

  1. To easily correct the spelling errors
  2. To quickly jump to a specific location in the document
  3. To quickly jump to the ending of the document
  4. To create a link within the document
Correct Answer

Q4. Who is called a supervisor of computer activity?

  1. CPU
  2. OS
  3. Control Unit
  4. Application Program
Correct Answer

Q5. Ms PowerPoint:Which of the following should you do to bring a bullet back to a previous level?

  1. Press the shift + tab keys
  2. Press the shift key
  3. Press the enter key
  4. Press the tab key
Correct Answer

Q6. Ms PowerPoint:Holding down the Shift key and rotate the image will rotate in increments of

  1. 10 degrees
  2. 15 degrees
  3. 20 degrees
  4. 25 degrees
Correct Answer

Q7. Which of the following is not a type of Software

  1. System Software
  2. Application Software
  3. Utility Software
  4. Entertainment Software
Correct Answer

Q8. Ms PowerPoint:Which of the following allow you to select more than one slide in a presentation?

  1. Alt + Click each slide
  2. Shift + drag each slide
  3. Shift + Click each slide
  4. Ctrl + Click each slide
Correct Answer

Q9. Ms Access: In which order do you place the field to sort a Dynaset first by zipcode, then by lastname and then by firstname?

  1. zipcode, firstname, lastname
  2. firstname, lastname, zipcode
  3. zipcode, lastname, firstname
  4. can’t sort by multiple fields
Correct Answer

Q10. Ms Excel:When creating a vertical page break

  1. The active cell must be A1
  2. The active cell can be anywhere in the worksheet
  3. The active cell must be in row 1
  4. The active cell must be in column A
Correct Answer

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