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Ms Excel:What Pivot Table toolbar button updates the data in a Pivot Table or Pivot Chart report if the source data chas changed
  1. Format Report
  2. Pivot Table
  3. Refresh Data
  4. Show Detail

Q2. Which button might you find in a windows title bar?

  1. Close button
  2. Maximize button
  3. Minimize button
  4. All of the above
Correct Answer

Q3. Floppy disks are available in

  1. Single side single density
  2. Single side double density
  3. Both of above
  4. None of above
Correct Answer

Q4. What was the name of the first commercially available microprocessor chip?

  1. Intel 308
  2. Intel 33
  3. Intel 4004
  4. Motorola 639
Correct Answer

Q5. Ms Excel:You can use the drag and drop method to

  1. Copy cell contents
  2. Move cell contents
  3. Add cell contents
  4. a and b
Correct Answer

Q6. Following IC chip integrates 100 thousands electronic components per chip

  1. SSI
  2. MSI
  3. LSI
  4. VLSI
Correct Answer

Q7. Which of the following is not a type of Software

  1. System Software
  2. Application Software
  3. Utility Software
  4. Entertainment Software
Correct Answer

Q8. ctrl, shift and alt are called __________ keys.

  1. adjustment
  2. function
  3. modifier
  4. alphanumeric
Correct Answer

Q9. Perforated paper used as input of output media is known as

  1. paper tapes
  2. magnetic tape
  3. punched papers tape
  4. card punch
Correct Answer

Q10. Ms PowerPoint:To add a header or footer to your handout, you can use

  1. The title master
  2. The slide master
  3. The handout master
  4. All of above
Correct Answer

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