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Computer Question Bank
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Ms Word: To save an existing document with a different file name, click _____.
  1. the Save button on the Standard toolbar
  2. Save on the File menu
  3. the Save As button on the Standard toolbar
  4. Save As on the File menu

Q2. Ms Excel:Which of the following methods can not be used to enter data in a cell?

  1. Pressing an arrow key
  2. Pressing the tab key
  3. Pressing the Esc key
  4. Clicking the enter button to the formula bar
Correct Answer

Q3. Ms Access: What are the different views to display a table

  1. Datasheet view
  2. Design view
  3. Pivote table & pivot chart view
  4. All of above
Correct Answer

Q4. Which of the following code used in present day computing was developed by IBM Corporation?

  1. ASCII
  2. Hollerith Code
  3. Baudot Code
  4. EBCDIC Code
Correct Answer

Q5. Ms Excel:What does COUNTA () function do?

  1. counts cells having alphabets
  2. counts empty cells
  3. counts cells having number
  4. counts non-empty cells
Correct Answer

Q6. The Banker's algorithm is used

  1. to rectify deadlock
  2. to detect deadlock
  3. to prevent deadlock
  4. to slove deadlock
Correct Answer

Q7. Ms Excel:The Software which contains rows and columns is called ______

  1. Database
  2. Drawing
  3. Spreadsheet
  4. Word processing
Correct Answer

Q8. BCD is

  1. Binary Coded Decimal
  2. Bit Coded Decimal
  3. Binary Coded Digit
  4. Bit Coded Digit
Correct Answer

Q9. Napier’s Bones were invented in

  1. 1614
  2. 1617
  3. 1620
  4. None of above
Correct Answer

Q10. Ms Access: Both conditions display on the same row in the design grid when ___operator is in use

  1. OR
  2. IN
  3. AND
  4. LIKE
Correct Answer

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