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English Question Bank
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______ I was watching TV, the telephone rang.
  1. While
  2. Before
  3. After
  4. Until

Q2. If you hide your ……… under a bushel, you are too modest to boast about your skills.

  1. beard
  2. looks
  3. light
  4. mind
Correct Answer

Q3. Find the synonym of the following words written in capitals. -It was the voice of a born ORATOR.

  1. addressee
  2. speaker
  3. talker
  4. order
Correct Answer

Q4. Don't lose your … It's not worth it.

  1. tether
  2. rag
  3. mind
  4. neck
Correct Answer

Q5. When you see eye to eye with someone,

  1. you look extremely similar to someone
  2. you agree with someone completely
  3. you are glad to see this person
Correct Answer

Q6. The company hopes that their new computer game won't just be a flash in the pan, but that it'll

  1. be popular for a long time
  2. be unpopular for a very long time
  3. be very popular for a short time
Correct Answer

Q7. If you speak/talk of the devil,

  1. the person you are talking about unexpectedly appears
  2. you talk directly about a hot issue
  3. you say something bad about someone
Correct Answer

Q8. My father wants me to study law, but I have made up my ……… to become an archaeologist, instead.

  1. heart
  2. head
  3. brain
  4. mind
Correct Answer

Q9. I think my answer on the test was ______.

  1. the best possible choice
  2. best beyond all the choices
  3. the better of all choices
  4. the possible best choice
Correct Answer

Q10. Some of the boys in the class used to take the ……… out of Alfie's speech impediment.

  1. hooray
  2. mickey
  3. cackle
  4. hampers
Correct Answer

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