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Computer Question Bank
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Which is an item of storage medium in the form of circular plate?
  1. Disk
  2. CPU
  3. Printer
  4. ALU

Q2. Ms Access: What is the memo data type field used for?

  1. To add table
  2. To store objects created in other programs
  3. For long text entries
  4. For shout text entries of no more than 255 characters
Correct Answer

Q3. Software in computer

  1. Enhances the capabilities of the hardware machine
  2. Increase the speed of central processing unit
  3. Both of above
  4. None of above
Correct Answer

Q4. Ms PowerPoint:The maximum zoom percentage in Microsoft PowerPoint is

  1. 1
  2. 2
  3. 4
  4. 5
Correct Answer

Q5. A kind of scanner MICR is the short form of

  1. Magnetic Ink Character Reader
  2. Magnetic Ink Code Reader
  3. Magnetic Ink Cases Reader
  4. None
Correct Answer

Q6. Ms Access: What are the columns in a Microsoft Access table called?

  1. Rows
  2. Records
  3. Fields
  4. Columns
Correct Answer

Q7. Ms PowerPoint:To add a header or footer to your handout, you can use

  1. The title master
  2. The slide master
  3. The handout master
  4. All of above
Correct Answer

Q8. Ms Excel:What is represented by the small, black square in the lower-right corner of an active cell or range?

  1. Copy handle
  2. Fill handle
  3. Insert handle
  4. Border
Correct Answer

Q9. Ms Access: __________ is used to build ‘intuitive’ queries.

  1. SQL
  2. Xbase
  3. QBE
  4. XML
Correct Answer

Q10. The Stepped Reckoner was invented by

  1. John Napier
  2. William Oughtred
  3. Gottfried Leibnitz
  4. Blaise Pascal
Correct Answer

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