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Ms Excel:How do you delete a column?
  1. Select the column heading you want to delete and select the Delete Row button on the standard toolbar
  2. Select the column heading you want to delete and select Insert Delete from the menu
  3. Select the row heading you want to delete and select Edit>Delete from the menu
  4. Right click the column heading you want to delete and select delete from the shortcut menu

Q2. Ms Excel:Formulas in Excel start with

  1. %
  2. =
  3. +
Correct Answer

Q3. What is the first stage in software development?

  1. Specification and design
  2. Testing
  3. System Analysis
  4. Maintenance
Correct Answer

Q4. Ms Access: Every table in relational database contain a field or combination of fields that can uniquely identify each records, it is called

  1. Foreign key
  2. Native key
  3. Composite key
  4. Primary key
Correct Answer

Q5. Which of the following type of keyboard introduced the SysRq (System Request) key?

  1. XT keyboards
  2. AT keyboards
  3. Enhanced keyboards
  4. Windows keyboards
Correct Answer

Q6. Which of the following is internal memory?

  1. Disks
  2. Pen Drives
  3. RAM
  4. CDs
Correct Answer

Q7. Which of the following is not a part of the control panel?

  1. Date and time
  2. My documents
  3. Add or remove program
  4. Display
Correct Answer

Q8. You can set the width taskbar area and different components in it

  1. By right click and set width menu
  2. If the taskbar is not yet locked
  3. If the applications are not opened
  4. If other toolbars are not enabled
Correct Answer

Q9. Ms Access: The appropriate Data Type to store Time in MS Access?

  1. Date/Time
  2. Time Only
  3. Time
  4. Time cannot be stored
Correct Answer

Q10. Ms PowerPoint:Microsoft PowerPoint is a

  1. Database program
  2. Spreadsheet program
  3. Presentation program
  4. Word processing program
Correct Answer

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