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Computer Question Bank
for Exam preparation

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The basic operations performed by a computer are
  1. Arithmetic operation
  2. Logical operation
  3. Storage and relative
  4. All the above

Q2. Ms Excel:You can open the Sort dialog box by choosing Sort from the ….. menu

  1. View
  2. Format
  3. Tools
  4. Data
Correct Answer

Q3. Network congestion occurs

  1. in case of traffic overloading
  2. when a system terminates
  3. when connection between two nodes terminates
  4. none of the mentioned
Correct Answer

Q4. Ms Word: Which of the following function key activates the speller?

  1. F5
  2. F7
  3. F9
  4. Shift + F7
Correct Answer

Q5. Ms Access: A relationship is created between how many tables?

  1. One
  2. Two
  3. Three
  4. Any number
Correct Answer

Q6. In a punched card system, data is processed by a

  1. Keypunch machine, sorter and posting machine
  2. Accounting machine, posting machine, and billing machine
  3. Sorter, posting machine, and billing machine
  4. Accounting machine, keypunch machine and sorter
Correct Answer

Q7. Ms Word: What does Ctrl + = key effect?

  1. Superscript
  2. Subscript
  3. All Caps
  4. Shadow
Correct Answer

Q8. When a computer is first turned on or restarted, a special type of absolute loader called ____ is executed

  1. Compile and Go loader
  2. Boot loader
  3. Bootstrap loader
  4. Relating loader
Correct Answer

Q9. Ms Excel:Which is an example of a function?

  1. =add(A1:A2)
  2. =A1+A2
  3. =SUM(A1:A2)
  4. A1+A2
Correct Answer

Q10. What is the meaning of Bandwidth in Network?

  1. Transmission capacity of a communication channels
  2. Connected Computers in the Network
  3. Class of IP used in Network
  4. None of Above
Correct Answer

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