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Computer Question Bank
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For which of the following computers can’t be used?
  1. gathering data
  2. calculating data
  3. comparing data
  4. Arranging data

Q2. If there are multiple recycle bin for a hard disk

  1. you can setdifferent size for each recycle bin
  2. you can choose which recycle bin to use to store your deleted files
  3. You can make any one of them default recycle bin
  4. None of above
Correct Answer

Q3. Which is not a valid file system?

  1. FAT 16
  2. FAT 32
  3. NTFS
  4. FXZ
Correct Answer

Q4. Which of the following device was not invented by Babbage?

  1. Pascaline
  2. Difference Engine
  3. Analytical Engine
  4. None of above
Correct Answer

Q5. Ms Word: What does Ctrl + = key effect?

  1. Superscript
  2. Subscript
  3. All Caps
  4. Shadow
Correct Answer

Q6. Ms Access: Which field type can store photos?

  1. Hyperlink
  2. Ole
  3. Both of these can be used
  4. Access tables can’t store photos
Correct Answer

Q7. DHCP is the abbreviation of

  1. Dynamic Host Control Protocol
  2. Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol
  3. Dynamic Hyper Control Protocol
  4. Dynamic Hyper Configuration Protocol
Correct Answer

Q8. Ms Word: What is the default font size of a new Word document based on Normal template in Word 2003?

  1. 10 pt
  2. 12 pt
  3. 14 pt
  4. None of above
Correct Answer

Q9. Ms Excel:Which would you choose to create a bar diagram?

  1. Edit, Chart
  2. Insert, Chart
  3. Tools, Chart
  4. Format, Chart
Correct Answer

Q10. Which is not consisted in a processor

  1. ALU
  2. CU
  3. Memory
  4. Registers
Correct Answer

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