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English Question Bank
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Never before in history have people been so aware of what is going on in the world. Television, newspapers and radio keep us continually informed and stimulate our interest. The sociologist’s interest in the world around him is intense, for society is his field of study. Indeed, he needs to know what is happening in society; he wants to know what makes the social world what it is, how it is organized, why it changes in the ways that it does. Such knowledge is valuable not only for those who make great decisions, but also for you, since this is the world in which you live and make your way. --------- The passage emphasizes that whatever goes on in the world today _____.
  1. is quickly forgotten by the majority.
  2. only concerns the sociologist.
  3. first makes the headlines in the press.
  4. is of great interest to everyone.
  5. can easily be ignored by people in power.

Q2. If the car ______ once more, I’m going to get a new one.

  1. breaks down
  2. comes about
  3. gives in
  4. changes down
Correct Answer

Q3. Some working parents ______ being absent all day by giving their children lots of presents.

  1. make out
  2. make out of
  3. make up
  4. make up for
Correct Answer

Q4. If you are over the moon,

  1. you become serious about something
  2. you are very pleased about something
  3. you are very angry with someone
Correct Answer

Q5. Neil is famous for making up the most incredible stories, so you'd better take them with a pinch of ……… .

  1. snuff
  2. pepper
  3. salt
  4. herbs
Correct Answer

Q6. Why did he go ______ on his word?

  1. after
  2. back
  3. away
Correct Answer

Q7. I’ll ______ in my car on the way to work.

  1. take you out
  2. bring you up
  3. let you off
  4. pick you up
Correct Answer

Q8. When he was out of work, Frank was a couch potato and he

  1. put on a lot of weight
  2. lost a lot of weight
  3. lost a lot of money
Correct Answer

Q9. I was ....... off with some rotten apples at the corner shop.

  1. palmed
  2. handed
  3. armed
  4. fingered
Correct Answer

Q10. There were ---- customers than anticipated.

  1. fewer
  2. less
Correct Answer

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