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HSE Question Bank
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What is the leading cause of death on construction sites?
  1. Struck by object
  2. Falls
  3. Caught-in or -between
  4. Electrocutions

Q2. Which of the following describes the organization’s activities, products or services that can interact with the environment?

  1. Environmental Aspects
  2. Environmental Impacts
  3. Environmental Objectives
  4. Environmental Processes
Correct Answer

Q3. External Provider audit is an example of __________

  1. First party audit
  2. Second party audit
  3. Third party audit
  4. FDA QSIT Inspection
Correct Answer

Q4. Ultraviolet radiation from sunlight causes the reaction that produces

  1. Fluorides
  2. Ozone
  3. Carbon monoxide
  4. Sulphur dioxide
Correct Answer

Q5. The Occupational Safety & Health Administration requires employers to have Hearing Conservation Plans if the average 8-hour noise exposure is more than:

  1. 1000 decibels
  2. 500 deceibles
  3. 105 decibels
  4. 85 decibels
Correct Answer

Q6. According to ISO 14001: 4.2 the organization should determine which of the following:

  1. The material that affect the environment system.
  2. The processes that yield pollutants.
  3. The interested parties that are relevant to the environmental management system.
  4. All the above.
Correct Answer

Q7. Internal and external issues are discussed in which clauses?

  1. Clause 4.1
  2. Clause 6.1
  3. Clause 5.1
  4. Clause 7.1
Correct Answer

Q8. Process Safety incidents can cause

  1. Multiple injuries and/or fatalities
  2. Massive asset damage
  3. Environmental consequence
  4. Reputation impact
  5. All of the above
Correct Answer

Q9. _________ is a waste disposal method where solid organic wastes are converted to the residue and gaseous products through combustion.

  1. Incarnation
  2. Incineration
  3. Incarceration
  4. Incubation
Correct Answer

Q10. Hydraulic jacks exposed to freezing temperatures must:

  1. Be filled with adequate antifreeze liquid
  2. Be warmed up before use
  3. Be tagged and immediately removed from service
  4. None of the above
Correct Answer

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