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English Question Bank
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After Michael missed three shots in a row and passed the ball to a player on the other team, the boys were only up by two and they suspected that Michael would be the (Achilles' heel) of the team.
  1. A person who performs well under pressure
  2. A valuable contributor to a cause shared by many
  3. A weakness in an otherwise strong entity
  4. A person who inspires others to succeed

Q2. A: The new boss looks a bit serious, doesn’t he? I don’t think I’m going to like him. B: Oh, come on, Joyce, you can’t go ______ appearances. He’s probably very nice.

  1. after
  2. by
  3. out
  4. over
Correct Answer

Q3. When I last talked to him, he ______ English.

  1. studies
  2. study
  3. was studying
  4. studied
Correct Answer

Q4. He gave ______ all his fortune to charities.

  1. down
  2. away
  3. up
Correct Answer

Q5. ______, I wouldn’t have told you.

  1. If it was a piece of bad news
  2. If I failed the driving test
  3. If you were dismissed
  4. If I’d known you were going to be upset
Correct Answer

Q6. Science has made great ________ during the past 30 years.

  1. increases
  2. motions
  3. advances
  4. advantages
  5. opportunities
Correct Answer

Q7. If I say “I’m going to hit the books now”,

  1. am I going to take a short break from studying?
  2. am I going to throw my books away?
  3. am I going to study?
Correct Answer

Q8. Mrs. March was afraid of leaving the student teacher with her third period class because she feared that the student teacher was a bit too (green) to be left alone with such a wild bunch.

  1. Mrs. March felt that the student teacher was too inexperienced.
  2. Mrs. March felt that the student teacher was too jealous of some of the students.
  3. Mrs. March felt that the student teacher was too nice.
  4. Mrs. March felt that the student teacher was too sick to handle the children.
Correct Answer

Q9. If you cut corners when doing something,

  1. you do it badly or cheaply at the expense of high standards
  2. you do it straightaway
  3. you accomplish two different things at the same time with very little effort
Correct Answer

Q10. Can you make ______ this prescription, please?

  1. up
  2. over
  3. for
  4. off
Correct Answer

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