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Computer Question Bank
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Which is the highest form?
  1. Data
  2. Information
  3. Knowledge
  4. All of above

Q2. Ms Word: Which can be used for quick access to commonly used commands and tools?

  1. Status bar
  2. Tool bar
  3. Menu bar
  4. Title bar
Correct Answer

Q3. One of the popular mass storage device is CD ROM. What does CD ROM stand for?

  1. Compactable Read Only Memory
  2. Compact Data Read Only Memory
  3. Compactable Disk Read Only Memory
  4. Compact Disk Read Only Memory
Correct Answer

Q4. Ms Access: Which of the following store command to retrieve data from database?

  1. Forms
  2. Reports
  3. Queries
  4. Tables
Correct Answer

Q5. Which of the following is called low level languages?

  1. Machine language
  2. Assembly language
  3. Both of the above
  4. None of above
Correct Answer

Q6. A computer has very low failure rate because it uses electronic components. It produces very consistent results. This is highlighted by which of the feature of computer?

  1. Accuracy
  2. Reliability
  3. Versatility
  4. Automatic
Correct Answer

Q7. Ms Excel:Which of the following is invalid statement?

  1. Sheet tabs can be colored
  2. Some picture can be applied as a background of a sheet
  3. You can set the column width automatically fit the amount of text
  4. The width of a row and be specified manually or fit automatically
Correct Answer

Q8. Which is built directly on the hardware?

  1. Computer Environment
  2. Application Software
  3. Operating System
  4. Database System
Correct Answer

Q9. Ms Excel:Which of the following is not a valid data type in excel

  1. Number
  2. Character
  3. Label
  4. Date/time
Correct Answer

Q10. Ms Access: This is the stage in database design where one gathers and lists all the necessary fields for the database project.

  1. data definition
  2. data refinement
  3. establishing relationship
  4. none of the above
Correct Answer

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