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English Question Bank
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When Jenny started working at the hospital, she rocked the boat by
  1. saying how well it was run
  2. questioning the way things were done
  3. doing her job quietly and not saying much

Q2. Marta looks great! She's really dressed to ……… .

  1. destroy
  2. kill
  3. murder
  4. slaughter
Correct Answer

Q3. Stan thinks he got a raw deal from his insurance company, so he's writing a letter

  1. to thank them
  2. to complain to them
  3. to congratulate them
Correct Answer

Q4. There was a robbery at the bank, and the police are looking ______ the matter.

  1. up to
  2. in on
  3. into
  4. through
Correct Answer

Q5. We usually ______ the news on TV at eight o’clock, but tonight we ______ that new soap opera.

  1. are watching / watched
  2. watch / are watching
  3. are watching / are watching
  4. watch / watched
Correct Answer

Q6. The firefighters had to break the door ______ to rescue the little girl.

  1. into
  2. out
  3. down
Correct Answer

Q7. The President is very old. He's as old as the ……… .

  1. moon
  2. grave
  3. rock
  4. hills
Correct Answer

Q8. To be hit by a car or bus is the same as to be ______ down.

  1. cooled
  2. marked
  3. knocked
Correct Answer

Q9. Classical music isn't really Mary's cup of tea, so when I offered to take her to a concert of chamber music, she

  1. wasn't all that excited
  2. was really excited
  3. looked very exciting
Correct Answer

Q10. Find the synonym of the following word. ***** Important

  1. complex
  2. secondary
  3. detailed
  4. significant
Correct Answer

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