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English Question Bank
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He really blew his … I've never seen someone so angry before.
  1. tether
  2. mind
  3. top
  4. head

Q2. If you speak/talk of the devil,

  1. the person you are talking about unexpectedly appears
  2. you talk directly about a hot issue
  3. you say something bad about someone
Correct Answer

Q3. He is fat because he doesn’t take any exercise. If he ______ some exercise, he ______ so fat.

  1. took / won’t be
  2. will take / won’t be
  3. takes / wouldn’t be
  4. took / wouldn’t be
Correct Answer

Q4. If you say that something costs an arm and a leg,

  1. it is extremely cheap
  2. it is not worth the money
  3. it is very expensive
Correct Answer

Q5. Charles has been in Kamila's ……… since he called her a fat slag.

  1. bad letters
  2. bad books
  3. bad records
  4. bad papers
Correct Answer

Q6. World renowned country western super group The Mountain Boys can sell out an arena (at the drop of a hat)

  1. The Mountain Boys may be able to sell out an arena, but it will take a long time.
  2. The Mountain Boys can sell out an arena very quickly.
  3. The Mountain Boys are always willing to perform at charity events.
  4. The Mountain Boys enforce a dress code at all of their shows.
Correct Answer

Q7. William's head is in the clouds. He needs to

  1. take better care of himself
  2. be a bit more realistic
  3. stop thinking he's better than everyone else
Correct Answer

Q8. If someone says "You can say that again!", it means they

  1. want you to repeat what you said
  2. didn't understand what you said
  3. agree with what you said
Correct Answer

Q9. You could have knocked me over with a feather when I heard that

  1. we were having sandwiches for lunch
  2. the electricity bill had arrived
  3. I had won a million dollars in the lottery
Correct Answer

Q10. Vince knew that if he wanted to get into college, he'd have to (keep his nose to the grindstone) all senior year.

  1. Vince would have to apply for college.
  2. Vince would have to work hard for a whole year.
  3. Vince would have to wait patiently for an opportunity.
  4. Vince would have to stay out of trouble for a whole year.
Correct Answer

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