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English Question Bank
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Magda was ……… after she heard that she had won a televison in a competition.
  1. over the hill
  2. on cloud nine
  3. on the hop
  4. over the peg

Q2. ----- the paintings was an original Picasso.

  1. Among
  2. Between
Correct Answer

Q3. I wanted to know why no one _______.

  1. had come
  2. hadn’t come
  3. has come
  4. hasn’t come
Correct Answer

Q4. We drove to Paris, and after getting out of London it was plain sailing all the way because

  1. there was hardly any traffic
  2. it rained so much it was flooding
  3. we had a strong westerly tailwind
Correct Answer

Q5. If you take something with a pinch of salt,

  1. you like your food to be salty
  2. you don't completely believe something because you think it's probably not true
  3. you think something might bring you bad luck
Correct Answer

Q6. “Why don’t we go out for dinner?” His wife suggested that _______.

  1. they would go out for dinner
  2. they should go out for dinner
  3. we will go out for dinner
  4. we’d like to go out for dinner
Correct Answer

Q7. If you hit the sack,

  1. you win the lottery
  2. you give up a sport because you feel you are not good enough
  3. you go to bed because you are very tired
Correct Answer

Q8. It cost me ______ than I thought it would.

  1. fewer
  2. much
  3. more
  4. a lot
Correct Answer

Q9. To relax from stress is the same as to ______ down.

  1. wind
  2. lie
  3. let
Correct Answer

Q10. Find the synonym of the following words written in capitals. ***** -Boxing was his PROFESSION, people came and paid money to see the fight.

  1. subject
  2. wish
  3. trade
  4. life
Correct Answer

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