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According to ISO 14001 all employees within the organization should be able to _____.
  1. discuss the four steps in the PDCA cycle
  2. relate how their job interacts with EMS policy
  3. know the procedure for mitigating environmental aspects
  4. understand the seven-step EMS development process

Q2. Which document states that it includes a commitment to provide safe and healthy working conditions for the prevention of work-related injury?

  1. OH&S Policy
  2. OH&S Objective
  3. OH&S Mission
  4. Organization Safety Procedure
Correct Answer

Q3. Flexible cords may not be be used for which of the following:

  1. Wiring of cranes and hoists
  2. Elevator cables
  3. To prevent transmission of noise or vibration
  4. As a substitute for permanent wiring
Correct Answer

Q4. OH&S opportunities to enhance OH&S performance, while taking into account planned changes to the organization, its policies, its processes or its activities. Which of the following are TRUE?

  1. opportunities to adapt work, work organization and work environment to workers
  2. opportunities to eliminate hazards and reduce OH&S risks
  3. other opportunities for improving the OH&S management system
  4. All of the above
Correct Answer

Q5. When the audit evidence suggest that the audit objectives are unattainable the audit team leader should report the reason to _________

  1. Audit client
  2. Audit client and auditee
  3. Audit program leader and auditee
  4. Audit management
Correct Answer

Q6. According to ISO 14001, the Environment is the surroundings in which an organization operates, including ___________ and their interrelationships

  1. air, water, land, natural resources, flora, fauna, humans
  2. management, system, materials, machines
  3. low, regulations, roles, instructions
  4. none of the above
Correct Answer

Q7. The safest ladder to use around electricity is:

  1. Wood
  2. Aluminum
  3. A smaller step stool
  4. Fiberglass
Correct Answer

Q8. The purpose of audit sampling

  1. Draw meaningful conclusion based on sample selection to base the finding and achieve objectives.
  2. Cost effective
  3. To satisfy management
  4. Time consuming
Correct Answer

Q9. Which one of the following is the prime factor towards soil pollution?

  1. Soil erosion
  2. Floods
  3. Dumping of industrial wastes
  4. Using land for irrigation
Correct Answer

Q10. Internal and external issues are discussed in which clauses?

  1. Clause 4.1
  2. Clause 6.1
  3. Clause 5.1
  4. Clause 7.1
Correct Answer

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