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English Question Bank
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This job is my bread and butter, so
  1. I don't really need it
  2. I don't get paid for it
  3. I can't afford to lose it

Q2. I've dotted the i's and crossed the t's, so there

  1. will be a few mistakes
  2. will be lots of mistakes
  3. shouldn't be any mistakes
Correct Answer

Q3. You will kill yourself if you ______ stop smoking.

  1. aren’t
  2. didn’t
  3. don’t
  4. weren’t
Correct Answer

Q4. A: Did Arsenal beat Galatasaray in the final? B: ______.

  1. Yes, Arsenal was beaten by Galatasaray in the final.
  2. Yes, Galatasaray beat Arsenal in the final.
  3. No, Galatasaray was beaten by Arsenal
  4. No, Arsenal was beaten by Galatasaray in the final.
Correct Answer

Q5. During this year we ______ many advances in computer science.

  1. had seen
  2. have seen
  3. saw
  4. are seeing
Correct Answer

Q6. Find the synonym of the following words written in capitals. ***** When the police arrived the thieves TOOK TO FLIGHT leaving all the stolen things behind.

  1. ran away
  2. take away
  3. did away
  4. got up
  5. climbed on
Correct Answer

Q7. Joanna will never forgive you for letting the ……… . It was meant to be a secret!

  1. cows out of the field
  2. cat out of the bag
  3. pig out of the poke
  4. chickens out of the cage
Correct Answer

Q8. That is the film ______.

  1. it is about Turkish people
  2. we are liked
  3. I watched last week
  4. it is a western
Correct Answer

Q9. “Please give me a pain killer.” the patient said. The patient begged the nurse _______ a pain killer.

  1. to give her
  2. she would give her
  3. she would give me
  4. to give me
Correct Answer

Q10. I was so snowed under today that I had to

  1. wear extra warm clothes
  2. see a doctor
  3. cancel a meeting
Correct Answer

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