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Computer Question Bank
for Exam preparation

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Cursor is a ____
  1. Pixel
  2. Thin blinking line
  3. Pointing device
  4. None of these

Q2. Which is the first electronic digital computer?

  1. ENIAC
  2. MARK I
  3. Z3
  4. ABC
Correct Answer

Q3. Ms Excel:Which of the following is a popular DOS based spreadsheet package?

  1. Word
  2. Smart cell
  3. Excel
  4. Lotus 1-2-3
Correct Answer

Q4. Ms Access: You have a Command button in the Form Footer, you click the Tabular Control Layout; an attached label will be added in what section?

  1. Detail
  2. Form Footer
  3. Form Header
  4. Page Header
Correct Answer

Q5. Storage capacity of magnetic disk depends on

  1. tracks per inch of surface
  2. bits per inch of tracks
  3. disk pack in disk surface
  4. All of above
Correct Answer

Q6. Ms Access: A database language concerned with the definition of the whole database structure and schema is ________

  1. DCL
  2. DML
  3. DDL
  4. All of above
Correct Answer

Q7. Ms PowerPoint:In Normal view, this tab displays the content of each slid

  1. Slides
  2. View
  3. Sort
  4. Outline
Correct Answer

Q8. Ms Access: Which of the following types of joins displays records with the same value in the common field?

  1. Inner join
  2. Left outer join
  3. Right outer join
  4. Self join
Correct Answer

Q9. Analog computer works on the supply of

  1. Continuous electrical pulses
  2. Electrical pulses but not continuous
  3. Magnetic strength
  4. None of the above
Correct Answer

Q10. Ms Word: Which is not a data source component?

  1. mail merge toolbar
  2. header row
  3. data fields
  4. data records
Correct Answer

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