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Ms PowerPoint: How to create additional Guide Lines?
  1. by holding Ctrl key, click on existing Guide Line and drag
  2. by holding Alt key, click on existing Guide Line and drag
  3. by holding Ctrl + Alt key, click on existing Guide Line and drag
  4. Additional Guide Lines cannot be created

Q2. Which of the following is not the External Security Threats?

  1. Front-door Threats
  2. Back-door Threats
  3. Underground Threats
  4. Denial of Service (DoS)
Correct Answer

Q3. Ms Excel:You can group noncontiguous worksheets with

  1. The group button on the standard toolbar
  2. The shift key and the mouse
  3. The ctrl key and mouse
  4. The alt+enter key
Correct Answer

Q4. Ms Access: Which mode sizes an image to fit the control while maintaining the proportions of the original image?

  1. Clip
  2. Fit
  3. Stretch
  4. Zoom
Correct Answer

Q5. We use following scanner to recognize the printed and typed texts

  1. OMR
  2. OCR
  3. MICR
  4. None of above
Correct Answer

Q6. Which of the following is correct acronym of VGA?

  1. Video Graphics Array
  2. Visual Graphics Array
  3. Volatile Graphics Array
  4. Video Graphics Adapter
Correct Answer

Q7. Ms Excel:If you press …., the cell accepts your typing as its contents.

  1. Enter
  2. Ctrl + Enter
  3. TAB
  4. Insert
Correct Answer

Q8. A .... is a named location on a disk where files are stored

  1. Folder
  2. Pod
  3. Version
  4. None of the above
Correct Answer

Q9. Who invented Analytical engine?

  1. Blaise Pascal
  2. George Bool
  3. Charles Babbage
  4. Dr. Herman Hollerith
Correct Answer

Q10. The stuff would likely break if you threw it out of a fifth-story window is

  1. Software
  2. Firmware
  3. Hardware
  4. All of above
Correct Answer

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