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Ms Excel:What’s a quick way to extend these numbers to a longer sequence, for instance 1 through 20?
  1. Select both cells, and then drag the fill handle over the range you want, for instance 18 more rows
  2. Select the range you want, include both cells, point to fill on the Edit menu, and then click down.
  3. Copy the second cell, click in the cell below it, on the standard toolbar click the down arrow on the Paste button, and then click Paste Special
  4. All of above

Q2. Ms Access: The ability of a database to grow as the data tracking needs grow is its __________.

  1. scalability
  2. expandability
  3. maintainability
  4. platform-independence
Correct Answer

Q3. Ms Excel:Which of the following is not a valid Zoom percentage in Excel?

  1. 10
  2. 100
  3. 300
  4. 500
Correct Answer

Q4. Ms Excel:Which of the following methods can not be used to edit the contents of a cell?

  1. Press the Alt key
  2. Clicking the formula bar
  3. Pressing the F2 key
  4. Double clicking the cell
Correct Answer

Q5. Ms Excel:Which of the following methods cannot be used to enter data in a cell

  1. Pressing an arrow key
  2. Pressing the Tab key
  3. Pressing the Esc key
  4. Clicking on the formula bar
Correct Answer

Q6. Ms Excel:Which is an example of a formula?

  1. =A1+A2
  2. =add(A1:A2)
  3. A1+A2
  4. SUM(A1:A2)
Correct Answer

Q7. Ms Excel:When you see a cell with a red triangle in the top right corner, what does this signify?

  1. There is an error in the cell
  2. There is a comment associated with the cell
  3. The font color for text in the cell is red
  4. A formula cannot be entered into the cell
Correct Answer

Q8. Mark I is also known as

  1. American Sequence Controlled Calculator
  2. Automatic Sequence Calculating Controller
  3. American Sequence Controlled Computer
  4. Automatic Sequence Controlled Calculator
Correct Answer

Q9. Ms PowerPoint:Which of the following is an example for Automatic Text formatting?

  1. Underlining Hyperlink
  2. Adjusting extra space
  3. Replacing two – s with a hyphen
  4. All of the above
Correct Answer

Q10. Multi user systems provided cost savings for small business because they use a single processing unit to link several

  1. Personal computers
  2. Workstations
  3. Dumb terminals
  4. Mainframes
Correct Answer

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