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Computer Question Bank
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Ms PowerPoint:The auto shapes tool provides you with
  1. Fancy text to place on your slide
  2. Commonly found shapes
  3. Any shape you want to add on a slide
  4. Clip art that is related to your presentation

Q2. What is meant by a dedicated computer?

  1. Which is used by one person only
  2. Which is assigned one and only one task
  3. Which uses one kind of software
  4. Which is meant for application software
Correct Answer

Q3. Ms Word: To autofit the width of column

  1. Double click the right border of column
  2. Double click the left border of column
  3. Double click the column header
  4. All of above
Correct Answer

Q4. When a peripheral device needs immediate attention from the operating system, it generatesa(n)

  1. Interrupt
  2. Spool
  3. Stack
  4. Page file
Correct Answer

Q5. Command Interpreter is also known as

  1. Prompt
  2. Shell
  3. Command
  4. DOS Prompt
Correct Answer

Q6. Who developed a mechanical device in the 17th century that could add, subtract, multiple, divide and find square roots?

  1. Napier
  2. Babbage
  3. Pascal
  4. Leibniz
Correct Answer

Q7. Ms Word: Word stores all frames associated with a Web page in a single file called the _____.

  1. authoring page
  2. text page
  3. frames page
  4. hyperlink page
Correct Answer

Q8. Ms Excel:What is the short cut key to highlight the entire column?

  1. Ctrl+C
  2. Ctrl+Enter
  3. Ctrl+Page Up
  4. Ctrl+Space Bar
Correct Answer

Q9. Ms Word: You can detect spelling and grammar errors by

  1. Press Shift + F7
  2. Press Ctrl + F7
  3. Press Alt+ F7
  4. Press F7
Correct Answer

Q10. Which of the following command is used to close the active window?

  1. Ctrl+F4
  2. Ctrl+F5
  3. Alt+F6
  4. None of above
Correct Answer

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