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Computer Question Bank
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What do you mean by Memory Compaction?
  1. Combine multiple equal memory holes into one big hole
  2. Combine multiple small memory holes into one big hole
  3. Divide big memory hole into small holes
  4. Divide memory hole by 2

Q2. Ms Word: How can you access the font size tool on formatting toolbar?

  1. Ctrl + S
  2. Ctrl + Shift + S
  3. Ctrl + P
  4. Ctrl + Shift + P
Correct Answer

Q3. Which of the printers used in conjunction with computers uses dry ink powder?

  1. Daisy wheel printer
  2. Line printer
  3. Laser printer
  4. Thermal printer
Correct Answer

Q4. Ms Access: When creating an input mask this character does not require an entry, but if an entry is made it must be a letter from a-z

  1. ?
  2. !
  3. #
  4. \
Correct Answer

Q5. Font folder is located on

  1. Program folder
  2. Ms Word file
  3. Control Panel folder
  4. Desktop folder
Correct Answer

Q6. Which of the following was a special purpose computer?

  1. ABC
  2. ENIAC
  3. EDVAC
  4. All of the above
Correct Answer

Q7. Ms Word: Page Down Key

  1. Moves the cursor one line down
  2. Moves the cursor one page down
  3. Moves the cursor one screen down
  4. Moves the cursor one paragraph down
Correct Answer

Q8. Ms Access: What is the purpose of the description column in table design view?

  1. To define the data type applied to each field within the table
  2. To describe the data that should be entered in each field
  3. To enter lookup data that the field should refer to.
  4. None of the ablve
Correct Answer

Q9. Ms Excel:What is the quickest way to select entire worksheet?

  1. Choose Edit -> Select all from the Menu
  2. Click on the first column, press Ctrl, and then click on the last column
  3. Click on the first column, press Shift, and then click on the last column
  4. Click on the rectangle box on the upper left corner where column headings and row headings meet
Correct Answer

Q10. Text and images are displayed on monitor by individual dots called

  1. Cursor
  2. Pixels
  3. CRT
  4. LED
Correct Answer

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