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Computer Question Bank
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Which of the following command is an internal command?
  1. Del
  2. Scandisk
  4. Deltree

Q2. The maximum size of a write file is limited to only

  1. Name of the file
  2. Extension of the file
  3. The amount of memory in your computer
  4. All of above
Correct Answer

Q3. In a punched card system, data is processed by a

  1. Keypunch machine, sorter and posting machine
  2. Accounting machine, posting machine, and billing machine
  3. Sorter, posting machine, and billing machine
  4. Accounting machine, keypunch machine and sorter
Correct Answer

Q4. What is the IP Address range of APIPA?

  1. to
  2. to
  3. to
  4. to
Correct Answer

Q5. Ms Excel:A function inside another function is called a ….. function.

  1. Nested
  2. Round
  3. Sum
  4. Text
Correct Answer

Q6. Ms Excel:Which elements of a worksheet can be protected from accidental modification?

  1. Contents
  2. Objects
  3. Scenarios
  4. All of the above
Correct Answer

Q7. MSI stands for

  1. Medium Scale Integrated Circuits
  2. Medium System Integrated Circuits
  3. Medium Scale Intelligent Circuit
  4. Medium System Intelligent Circuit
Correct Answer

Q8. What is a brand?

  1. The name of companies that made computers
  2. The name of product a company gives to identify its product in market
  3. A name of class to indicate all similar products from different companies
  4. All of above
Correct Answer

Q9. … transforms one interface into other interface

  1. Program
  2. Software
  3. Data
  4. None
Correct Answer

Q10. Ms Access: To achieve AND effect when you are entering criteria in a query design window

  1. write criteria values vertically one in a row
  2. write criteria values horizontally
  3. Write criteria values in same field separated with AND
  4. Write criteria values in same field separated with &
Correct Answer

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