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Computer Question Bank
for Exam preparation

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The original ASCII code used__bits of each byte, reserving that last bit for error checking
  1. 5
  2. 6
  3. 7
  4. 8

Q2. Ms Word: Essential business letter elements include the _____.

  1. date line and inside address
  2. message
  3. signature block
  4. all of the above
Correct Answer

Q3. Which of the following required large computer memory?

  1. Imaging
  2. Graphics
  3. Voice
  4. All of above
Correct Answer

Q4. Ms Access: Which of the following is not a logical database structure?

  1. Chain
  2. Network
  3. Tree
  4. Relational
Correct Answer

Q5. Which of the following memories needs refresh?

  1. SRAM
  2. DRAM
  3. ROM
  4. All of above
Correct Answer

Q6. Ms Access: Queries can be created in Access by

  1. Typing Queries in SQL View
  2. Drag and Drop fields on Query Builder
  3. Using Query Wizard
  4. All of the Above
Correct Answer

Q7. It is used to explorer the contents of computer, drives as well as manage files

  1. Control Panel
  2. My Document
  3. My Computer
  4. My Network Place
Correct Answer

Q8. Ms PowerPoint:Which PowerPoint feature adds special effects to modify the appearance of the slides and the timing between each slide?

  1. Color Schemes
  2. Animation
  3. Transition Settings
  4. Handouts
Correct Answer

Q9. A zip is a program used to

  1. Speed up the computer memory
  2. Speed up the disk access
  3. Compress files
  4. All of above
Correct Answer

Q10. Which of the following is a correct association between a vendor and an operating system

  1. Redhat Linux
  2. Microsoft Unix
  3. AT & T DOS
  4. Novell Linux
Correct Answer

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