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Computer Question Bank
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Ms Excel:You can automatically adjust the size of text in a cell if they do not fit in width by
  1. Double clicking on the right border of column header
  2. From Format choose Columns and then Autofit Selection
  3. From Format Cells dialog box mark Shrink to fit check box
  4. All of above

Q2. Which device is used to backup the data?

  1. Floppy Disk
  2. Tape
  3. Network Drive
  4. All of the above
Correct Answer

Q3. Which was the most popular first generation computer?

  1. IBM 1650
  2. IBM 360
  3. IBM 1130
  4. IBM 2700
Correct Answer

Q4. Ms PowerPoint: A chart can be put as a part of the presentation using

  1. Insert -> Chart
  2. Insert -> Pictures -> Chart
  3. Edit -> Chart
  4. View -> Chart
Correct Answer

Q5. Ms Word: The word wrap reature

  1. Automatically move text to the next line when necessary
  2. Appears at the bottom of the document
  3. Allows you to type over text
  4. is the short horizontal line
Correct Answer

Q6. Which of the following is extension of notepad?

  1. .txt
  2. .bmp
  3. .ppt
  4. .xls
Correct Answer

Q7. Copying a process from memory to disk to allow space for other processes is Called

  1. Swapping
  2. Deadlock
  3. Demand Paging
  4. Page Fault
Correct Answer

Q8. Ms Access: How can you display the related records from other tables in datasheet view?

  1. Click on the expand indicator next to the record
  2. Double click on the record to expand it
  3. Apply filter by command to display related records
  4. All of above
Correct Answer

Q9. Ms PowerPoint:How can the slide show be repeated continuously?

  1. loop continuously until ‘Esc’
  2. repeat continuously
  3. loop more
  4. none
Correct Answer

Q10. Ms Access: This is the stage in database design where one gathers and lists all the necessary fields for the database project.

  1. data definition
  2. data refinement
  3. establishing relationship
  4. none of the above
Correct Answer

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