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Computer Question Bank
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Ms Access: To achieve AND effect when you are entering criteria in a query design window
  1. write criteria values vertically one in a row
  2. write criteria values horizontally
  3. Write criteria values in same field separated with AND
  4. Write criteria values in same field separated with &

Q2. You can set the width taskbar area and different components in it

  1. By right click and set width menu
  2. If the taskbar is not yet locked
  3. If the applications are not opened
  4. If other toolbars are not enabled
Correct Answer

Q3. Which runs on computer hardware and serve as platform for other software to run on?

  1. Operating System
  2. Application Software
  3. System Software
  4. All
Correct Answer

Q4. Ms Excel:You can set Page Border in Excel from

  1. From Border tab in Format Cells dialog box
  2. From Border tool in Formatting toolbar
  3. From Line Style tool in Drawing toolbar
  4. You can not set page border in Excel
Correct Answer

Q5. Ms Word: To advance rightward from one cell to the next in a table, press the _____ key.

  1. tab
  2. backspace
  3. home
  4. enter
Correct Answer

Q6. Ms Access: A(n) _____ is a control that, when clicked, executes an action or series of actions.

  1. combo box control
  2. AutoFormat
  3. Conditional Format
  4. command button
Correct Answer

Q7. Ms Word: To erase a character to the right of the insertion point, press the _____ key.

  1. cancel
  2. backspace
  3. delete
  4. either b or c
Correct Answer

Q8. Web cam is an

  1. input unit device
  2. output unit device
  3. processing device
  4. Input and Output device
Correct Answer

Q9. Which type of computers uses the 8-bit code called EBCDIC?

  1. Minicomputers
  2. Microcomputers
  3. Mainframe computers
  4. Super computer
Correct Answer

Q10. ADSL is the abbreviation of

  1. Asymmetric Dual Subscriber Line
  2. Asymmetric Digital System Line
  3. Asymmetric Dual System Line
  4. Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line
Correct Answer

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