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Computer Question Bank
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….is an intermediate storage for deleted files
  1. My computer
  2. My documents
  3. Recycle bin
  4. None of above

Q2. Ms Access: Collection of related records in a database is known as

  1. File
  2. Bench
  3. Table
  4. Relationship
Correct Answer

Q3. Ms PowerPoint:This is the menu command used to apply a design template in PowerPoint.

  1. Tools -> Slide Design
  2. Format -> Slide Design
  3. Insert -> Slide Design
  4. Insert -> Slide Design
Correct Answer

Q4. Slide Rules was invented in

  1. 1614
  2. 1617
  3. 1620
  4. None of above
Correct Answer

Q5. Ms Word: Which key is used to increase left indent?

  1. Ctrl+I
  2. Ctrl+M
  3. Alt+I
  4. F10
Correct Answer

Q6. Which command will be used to display only the file name and extensions in wide format?

  1. Dir/b
  2. Dir A:
  3. Dir/s
  4. Dir/w
Correct Answer

Q7. Ms Word: What should you do if you require to paste the same format in many places?

  1. Click the Format painter and go on pasting in many places holding Alt Key
  2. Double click the format painter then go on pasting in many places
  3. Click the format painter then go on pasting to many places holding Ctrl Key
  4. All of above
Correct Answer

Q8. Ms Word: Which of the following button will allow you to add, delete, or change records in your Data Source?

  1. ‘Data Source’ button
  2. ‘Edit’ button
  3. ‘Edit Data Source’ button
  4. ‘Data Editing’ button
Correct Answer

Q9. Who used punched cards practically for the first time in the history of computers?

  1. Charles Babbage
  2. Dr. Herman Hollerith
  3. Howard Aikin
  4. Joseph Jacquard
Correct Answer

Q10. Ms PowerPoint:We can replace a font on all sides with another font using the option :

  1. Edit –> Fonts
  2. Tools –> Fonts
  3. Tools -> Replace Fonts
  4. Format -> Replace Fonts
Correct Answer

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