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Computer Question Bank
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The first machine to successfully perform a long series of arithmetic and logical operations was:
  1. ENIAC
  2. Mark-I
  3. Analytic Engine
  4. UNIVAC-1

Q2. A paper printout of a document is known as

  1. Softcopy output
  2. Hardcopy output
  3. Permanent Output
  4. All of above
Correct Answer

Q3. Which of the following is not a class based on size?

  1. Mainframe Computer
  2. Micro Computer
  3. Mini Computer
  4. Digital Computer
Correct Answer

Q4. Which of the following is not the user file extension?

  1. .ppt
  2. .xls
  3. .sys
  4. .#do
Correct Answer

Q5. The chunks of a memory are known as

  1. Sector
  2. Offset
  3. Page
  4. Frame
Correct Answer

Q6. When you start up the computer the boot up storage at which the BIOS versions manufacturer and data are displayed on the monitor is called

  1. Bootstrap
  2. Power on self test (POST)
  3. System configuration
  4. Kernel loading
Correct Answer

Q7. Memory is made up of

  1. Set of wires
  2. Set of circuits
  3. Large number of cells
  4. All of these
Correct Answer

Q8. A co-processor

  1. Is relatively easy to support in software
  2. Causes all processor to function equally
  3. Works with any application
  4. Is quite common in modern computer
Correct Answer

Q9. Which is valid statement

  1. 1 KB = 1024 Bytes
  2. 1 MB = 1024 Bytes
  3. 1 KB = 1000 Bytes
  4. 1 MB = 1000 Bytes
Correct Answer

Q10. Ms Access: Which of the following expresses correct order?

  1. Characters, Fields, Records, Tables, Files, Databases
  2. Characters, Fields, Records, Tables, Database, Files
  3. Databases, Tables, Files, Records, Field, Character
  4. Files, Databases, Tables, Records, Fields, Characters
Correct Answer

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