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HSE Question Bank
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In the Checking and Corrective Action process, you track specific EMS parameters that help _____.
  1. ensure conformance with related OSHA environmental regulations
  2. answer basic questions about EMS implementation
  3. determine if you are meeting our objectives and targets
  4. establish EMS aspects and related impacts

Q2. The acronym “PASS” used for fire extinguisher operation stands for:

  1. Pick up, Aim, Squeeze, Squirt
  2. Push, Alarm, Swirl, Sweep
  3. Pull, Aim, Squeeze, Sweep
  4. Pull, Aim, Swirl, Swat
Correct Answer

Q3. Which of the following ensures that operations and activities do not exceed specified conditions or performance standards, or violate applicable regulations?

  1. Level I documents
  2. Operational controls
  3. Structural limitations
  4. Compliance guidelines
Correct Answer

Q4. One of the benefits of ISO 45001 Certification for the organization is?

  1. Manage operational risk
  2. Improve stakeholder confidence
  3. Comply with regulations
  4. All of the above
Correct Answer

Q5. Escherichia coli used as an indicator organism to determine pollution of water with

  1. Industrial effluents
  2. Heavy metals
  3. Pollen of aquatic plants
  4. Faecal matter
Correct Answer

Q6. The process of implementing and controlling planned temporary and permanent changes that impact OH&S performance is done under _______

  1. Change Control
  2. Management of Change
  3. Planned deviation
  4. Change Notification
Correct Answer

Q7. The statement, “We require weighing the amount of recycle waste each week,” is an example of an environmental _____.

  1. task strategy
  2. task tactic
  3. impact
  4. objective
Correct Answer

Q8. During audit planning if documented information is not sufficient the audit can be suspended

  1. TRUE
  2. FALSE
Correct Answer

Q9. The most effective way to prevent hearing loss at work is to:

  1. Monitor your hearing loss over time with a routine hearing test
  2. Always wear ear protection everywhere you go
  3. Monitor noise levels through engineering and administrative controls to minimize overexposure
  4. None of the above
Correct Answer

Q10. Which of the following document indicate that you are doing what you said you would do within your EMS and provide a history of progress?

  1. Data sheets
  2. Records
  3. Schedules
  4. Lists
Correct Answer

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