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Computer Question Bank
for Exam preparation

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Ms Access: __________ will answer questions you did not think to ask of your dat
  1. data mining
  2. data extrapolation
  3. knowledge discovery
  4. data enlightenment

Q2. Ms Excel:You can print only an embedded chart by

  1. Moving the chart to a chart sheet before you print.
  2. Formatting the chart before you print
  3. Selecting the chart before you print
  4. a and c
Correct Answer

Q3. Ms Word: Which feature is used to replace straight quotes with smart quotes as you type?

  1. Auto Correct as you type
  2. Auto Change as you type
  3. Auto Format as you type
  4. Smart Tags as you type
Correct Answer

Q4. Ms Access: Which of the following database object produces the final result to present?

  1. Forms
  2. Reports
  3. Queries
  4. Tables
Correct Answer

Q5. Ms Word: To get to the ‘Symbol’ dialog box, click on the ______ menu and choose ‘Symbol’.

  1. Insert
  2. Format
  3. Tools
  4. Table
Correct Answer

Q6. What is System Analysis?

  1. The design of the screen the user will see and use to enter or display data
  2. System analysis defines the format and type of data the program will use
  3. System Analysis involves creating formal model of the problem to be solved
  4. None of the above
Correct Answer

Q7. Ms Excel:What symbol is used before a number to make it a label?

  1. ” (quot
  2. = (equal)
  3. _ (underscor
  4. ‘ (apostroph
Correct Answer

Q8. Ms PowerPoint:In PowerPoint, when the mouse pointer appears as this it indicates that the Draw Table feature is on

  1. Solid plus sign
  2. Solid arrow
  3. I-beam
  4. Pencil
Correct Answer

Q9. Ms Access: Which is not a view for displaying a report object?

  1. Datasheet view
  2. Design view
  3. Print preview
  4. Layout preview
Correct Answer

Q10. Ms PowerPoint:To add a Header/Footer in Handout

  1. View -> Page Setup
  2. View -> Header/Footer
  3. View -> Handout Master
  4. None of Above
Correct Answer

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