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Computer Question Bank
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Today’s computer giant IBM was earlier known by different name which was changes in 1924 What was that name?
  1. Tabulator Machine Co.
  2. Computing Tabulating Recording Co.
  3. The Tabulator Ltd.
  4. International Computer Ltd.

Q2. Ms Excel:Which of the following is not a term of MS-Excel?

  1. Cells
  2. Rows
  3. Columns
  4. Document
Correct Answer

Q3. Which statement is valid?

  1. 1KB = 1024 bytes
  2. 1 MB=2048 bytes
  3. 1 MB = 1000 kilobytes
  4. 1 KB = 1000 bytes
Correct Answer

Q4. Memory unit is one part of

  1. Input device
  2. Control unit
  3. Output device
  4. Central Processing Unit
Correct Answer

Q5. Ms Access: Access file operations can be found by clicking the ____.

  1. Access Button
  2. Database Button
  3. Office Button
  4. Window Button Q. MCQ Sets is helpful to prepare your exams because
  5. It offers MCQ collection
  6. It allows to download MCQ Banks
  7. You can get your answers through subjective questions/answers
  8. It has online MCQ quiz system
Correct Answer

Q6. Ms Word: Ctrl + K

  1. Insert Page Humber
  2. Insert Hyperlink
  3. Insert Header
  4. Insert Footer
Correct Answer

Q7. Identify the true statement

  1. Computers are 100% accurate but it can suffer from GIGO
  2. Computers are reliable because they use electronic component which have very low failure rate
  3. Computer is never tired and does not suffer from boredom
  4. All of above
Correct Answer

Q8. Ms PowerPoint:The power point view that displays only text (title and bullets) is:

  1. Slide show
  2. Slide sorter view
  3. Notes page view
  4. Outline view
Correct Answer

Q9. Ms PowerPoint:To select one hyperlink after another during a slide presentation, what do you press?

  1. Tab
  2. Ctrl + K
  3. Ctrl + h
  4. All of above
Correct Answer

Q10. Which of the following is correct acronym of VGA?

  1. Video Graphics Array
  2. Visual Graphics Array
  3. Volatile Graphics Array
  4. Video Graphics Adapter
Correct Answer

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