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Computer Question Bank
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Ms Access: Both conditions display on the same row in the design grid when ___operator is in use
  1. OR
  2. IN
  3. AND
  4. LIKE

Q2. Circular division of disks to store and retrieve data are known as

  1. tracks
  2. sectors
  3. cycles
  4. rings
Correct Answer

Q3. Ms Word: The formats defined by _____ include character formatting, such as the font and font size; paragraph formatting, such as line spacing and text alignment; table formatting; and list formattin

  1. options
  2. styles
  3. toolbars
  4. tabs
Correct Answer

Q4. Ms Excel:When all the numbers between 0 and 100 in a range should be displayed in Red Color, apply

  1. Use =if() function to format the required numbers red
  2. Apply Conditional Formatting command on Format menu
  3. Select the cells that contain number between 0 and 100 then click Red color on Text Color tool
  4. All of above
Correct Answer

Q5. A computer without software is

  1. like a book of blank pages
  2. most power to perform tasks quicker
  3. complete human being
  4. all of above
Correct Answer

Q6. Ms Excel:Microsoft Excel is a powerful………..

  1. Word processing package
  2. Spreadsheet package
  3. Communication S/W Package
  4. DBMS package
Correct Answer

Q7. Ms Word: Which language does MS-Word use to create Macros?

  1. Visual C++
  2. Visual Basic
  3. FoxPro
  4. Access
Correct Answer

Q8. Ms PowerPoint: The arrangement of elements such as Title and Subtitle text, pictures, tables etis called

  1. Layout
  2. Presentation
  3. Design
  4. Scheme
Correct Answer

Q9. Ms Word: Auto text and Auto correct are ___________ tools.

  1. styling
  2. editing
  3. designing
  4. none of the above
Correct Answer

Q10. Ms Word: Ctrl + E

  1. Exit Application
  2. Select All
  3. Clear All
  4. Align Center
Correct Answer

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