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Computer Question Bank
for Exam preparation

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Usually, in MS DOS the primary hard disk drives has the drive letter
  1. A
  2. B
  3. C
  4. D Please be aware that you can download operating systems mcq bank and also attempt the online quiz of these questions. Please visit Download and Quiz menu abov

Q2. The first Macintosh computer was from

  1. First generation
  2. Second generation
  3. Third generation
  4. Fourth generation
Correct Answer

Q3. Who is the inventor of ABC Computer?

  1. John v. Atanasoff
  2. Clifford Berry
  3. Both of above
  4. None of above
Correct Answer

Q4. A Compiler is ____

  1. a combination of computer hardware
  2. a program which translates from one high-level language to another
  3. a program which translates from one high-level to a machine level language
  4. None of these
Correct Answer

Q5. Ms Access: To create this, you enter an expression in the design grid that instructs access to perform a calculation using the current field values.

  1. Formulated field
  2. Numeric field
  3. Formula field
  4. Calculated field
Correct Answer

Q6. Ms Word: Which of the following is graphics solution for Word Processors?

  1. Clipart
  2. WordArt
  3. Drop Cap
  4. All of above
Correct Answer

Q7. Ms Word: To move to the end of the document, press the _____ key(s).

  1. down arrow
  2. end
  3. ctrl+down arrow
  4. ctrl+end
Correct Answer

Q8. A Microsoft Windows is a(n) .....

  1. Operating system
  2. Graphic program
  3. Word Processing
  4. Database program
Correct Answer

Q9. Which printer is very commonly used for desktop publishing?

  1. Laser printer
  2. Inkjet printer
  3. Daisywheel printer
  4. Dot matrix printer
Correct Answer

Q10. Ms Excel:You can open the scenario Manager dialog box by choosing scenarios from the ….. menu.

  1. View
  2. Insert
  3. Format
  4. Tools
Correct Answer

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