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Computer Question Bank
for Exam preparation

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Commonly network of network is called
  1. MS Word
  2. MS Excel
  3. Internet
  4. MS Access

Q2. Computer operators

  1. writes computer programs for specific problems
  2. operate the device which input and output data from the computer
  3. normally require a college degree in computer science
  4. all of the above
Correct Answer

Q3. How many types of storage loops exists in magnetic bubble memory

  1. 8
  2. 4
  3. 16
  4. 2
Correct Answer

Q4. Ms Access: Which of the following data type is used to store logical value in MS Access?

  1. True/False
  2. On/Off
  3. Yes/No
  4. All of Above
Correct Answer

Q5. Ms Excel:what term describes a background that appears as a grainy, non smooth surface

  1. gradient
  2. pattern
  3. solid
  4. texture
Correct Answer

Q6. Serial access memories are useful in applications where

  1. Data consists of numbers
  2. Short access time is required
  3. Each stored word is processed differently
  4. Data naturally needs to flow in and out in serial form
Correct Answer

Q7. What is the use of Bridge in Network?

  1. to connect LANs
  2. to separate LANs
  3. to control Network Speed
  4. All of the above
Correct Answer

Q8. Ms Word: When assigning a shortcut key to a symbol, you should always try to select a key or key combination that is:

  1. unassigned
  2. located on the ten-key pad section of your keyboar
  3. assigned to another task.
  4. from the same font family as the symbol.
Correct Answer

Q9. Which icon would you access in the printer window to install a printer drive?

  1. Add printer wizard
  2. Setup
  3. Install
  4. None of above
Correct Answer

Q10. Ms Word: Which command is used to establish a link between a source document and a destination document?

  1. Tools, Link, Documents
  2. Tools, Link
  3. Edit, Link
  4. Edit, Paste Special
Correct Answer

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