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Computer Question Bank
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Which one of the following key is used to refresh the active window?
  1. F7
  2. F8
  3. F9
  4. F5

Q2. Ms PowerPoint:To change font size of a selected slide title, you:

  1. Click the toolbars Font dropdown arrow and choose the font you prefer
  2. Click Format, Title and choose a font from the font tab
  3. Click the toolbar's Increase Font Size button
  4. Click Title, New Font, OK
Correct Answer

Q3. The digital computer was developed primarily in

  1. USSR
  2. Japan
  3. USA
  4. UK
Correct Answer

Q4. Ms Access: Database properties do NOT include ___________.

  1. title
  2. author
  3. company
  4. size
Correct Answer

Q5. Ms Excel:If the values in A1 is “MCQ” and B1 is “Questions”, which function will return [email protected] in cell C1?

  1. =A1 + [email protected] + B1
  2. =A1 # [email protected] # B1
  3. =A1 & [email protected] & B1
  4. =A1 $ [email protected] $ B1
Correct Answer

Q6. Which data communication method is used to transmit the data over a serial communication link?

  1. Simplex
  2. Half-duplex
  3. Full duplex
  4. All of above
Correct Answer

Q7. Ms Access: Which function evaluates a “true/false” expression and then performs one of two actions?

  1. Case
  2. IF
  3. IIF
  4. IsTrue
Correct Answer

Q8. Ms PowerPoint:Line spacing refers to

  1. The space between the lines of text
  2. The height of the line
  3. The length of the line
  4. a and c
Correct Answer

Q9. To save your computer from viruses you will do

  1. Install antivirus software and run it
  2. Make physical safe for the removal disk
  3. Scan the removable disk before using it
  4. All of the above
Correct Answer

Q10. From where do you change mouse setting?

  1. Setting >> mouse
  2. Hardware setting
  3. Control panel >> mouse
  4. None of the above
Correct Answer

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