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English Question Bank
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On entering the restaurant, I immediately realized _____ so popular.
  1. why was it
  2. how is it
  3. the fact that was
  4. why it was

Q2. After years of war, the whole nation wanted to make ________ with their enemies.

  1. piece
  2. peace
  3. pace
  4. pact
  5. peas
Correct Answer

Q3. I like films ______.

  1. they are interesting
  2. which hasn’t got a sad story
  3. are not sad ones
  4. that are funny
Correct Answer

Q4. Hello! I ______ to phone you all week. Where ______?

  1. am trying / were you
  2. have tried / did you go
  3. tried / were you
  4. have been trying / have you been
Correct Answer

Q5. Mrs Raven isn't capable of controlling the class. She is so timid she wouldn't say ……… .

  1. kill the fatted cow
  2. put the cat among the pigeons
  3. boo to a goose
  4. cry wolf
Correct Answer

Q6. Sue says it'll be worth her while going to Cambostan to teach homeless children new work skills because

  1. she's happy when she's helping people
  2. she won't have to pay them to work
  3. they'll give her their wages when they get jobs
Correct Answer

Q7. Vivian expected Craig to sob uncontrollably when she broke up with him; however, Craig( kept a stiff upper lip).

  1. Craig cried even more than Vivian had expected.
  2. Craig cried about as much as Vivian had expected.
  3. Craig cried a little less than Vivian had expected.
  4. Craig did not cry.
Correct Answer

Q8. Find the synonym of the following words written in capitals. ***** He STUDIED the document for a long time.

  1. read carefully
  2. taught
  3. looked at
  4. examined carefully
  5. looked through
Correct Answer

Q9. Find the synonym of the following words written in capitals. ***** The woman adds water to UNITE the flour and the milk.

  1. connect
  2. make
  3. join
  4. complex
  5. combine
Correct Answer

Q10. What’s the time? B: I’m sorry I ______. My watch ______.

  1. had felt
  2. didn’t know / stopped
  3. don’t know / has stopped
  4. don’t know / had stopped
Correct Answer

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