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HSE Question Bank
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Source with a potential cause to injury and ill health is called _______
  1. Harm
  2. Hazard
  3. Risk
  4. Impairment

Q2. Internal and external issues are discussed in which clauses?

  1. Clause 4.1
  2. Clause 6.1
  3. Clause 5.1
  4. Clause 7.1
Correct Answer

Q3. What would be considered "Other opportunities"?

  1. Continuously Improved organization
  2. Recognition of company OHS performance from OHS supervisors at the regional and national level
  3. Increased workers' confidence in the company or organization in protecting Occupational Health and safety
  4. All of the above
  5. Continuously Improved organization
Correct Answer

Q4. An example of confidential information includes:

  1. Legal document
  2. Personal and medical information
  3. Audit reports
  4. All of the above
Correct Answer

Q5. To ensure that EMS roles are established, and associated activities take place, _____ should become a part of each individual's job description.

  1. individual task strategies
  2. job-specific EMS responsibilities
  3. EMS goals and objectives
  4. each employee’s impact on EMS
Correct Answer

Q6. Fish die in water polluted by sewage due to

  1. Pathogens
  2. Reduction in O2
  3. Clogging of gills by silt
  4. Foul smell
Correct Answer

Q7. Portable space heaters can be a danger in the workplace, and therefore, must:

  1. Be approved by the Plan Administrator
  2. Have tip-over protection that shuts off the heater if it tips over
  3. Have adequate clearance between the heater and any combustibles
  4. All of the above
Correct Answer

Q8. What is the definition of OH&S Risk?

  1. Effect of uncertainty
  2. source with potential to cause injury and ill health
  3. Incorrect Workers and Others who can be affected by its activities Impact of uncertainty
  4. Risk Severity
Correct Answer

Q9. The process of implementing and controlling planned temporary and permanent changes that impact OH&S performance is done under _______

  1. Change Control
  2. Management of Change
  3. Planned deviation
  4. Change Notification
Correct Answer

Q10. The statement, “We require weighing the amount of recycle waste each week,” is an example of an environmental _____.

  1. task strategy
  2. task tactic
  3. impact
  4. objective
Correct Answer

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