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Computer Question Bank
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Ms Word: The MLA style specifies that a superscript be used for a note reference mark to signal an explanatory note exists either at the bottom of the page as a(n) _____.
  1. footnote or at the end of the document as a startnote
  2. headnote or at the end of the document as an endnote
  3. footnote or at the end of the document as an endnote
  4. headnote or at the end of the document as a startnote

Q2. What is contained in the page table?

  1. Base address of each frame and corresponding page number
  2. Memory address and corresponding page number
  3. File name and corresponding page number
  4. None of Above
Correct Answer

Q3. Ms PowerPoint:The arrangement of elements such as Title and subtitle text, pictures, tables etis called :

  1. Layout
  2. Presentation
  3. Design
  4. Scheme
Correct Answer

Q4. Which of the following layer of OSI model also called end-to-end layer?

  1. Presentation layer
  2. Network layer
  3. Session layer
  4. Transport layer
Correct Answer

Q5. Bringing a page into memory only when it is needed, this mechanism is called

  1. Deadlock
  2. Page Fault
  3. Dormant Paging
  4. Demand Paging
Correct Answer

Q6. Seek time is

  1. time to position the head over proper track
  2. time to position the head over proper sector
  3. time to position the head over proper cylinder
  4. none of above
Correct Answer

Q7. Ms Access: Both conditions display on the same row in the design grid when ___operator is in use

  1. Or
  2. In
  3. And
  4. Like
Correct Answer

Q8. A hybrid computer

  1. Resembles digital computer
  2. Resembles analogue computer
  3. Resembles both a digital and analogue computer
  4. None of the above
Correct Answer

Q9. Ms PowerPoint:What is the term used when you press and hold the left mouse key and move the mouse around the slide?

  1. Highlighting
  2. Dragging
  3. Selecting
  4. b and c
Correct Answer

Q10. Ms Excel:MS-EXCEL can be used to automate

  1. Financial statements, Business forecasting
  2. Transaction registers, inventory control
  3. Accounts receivable, accounts payable
  4. Any of the above
Correct Answer

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