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Computer Question Bank
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What is the default file extension created by notepad?
  1. .doc
  2. .html
  3. .txt
  4. .tif

Q2. Ms Access: Which of the following may not be a database?

  1. Data presented in table in MS Word document
  2. Data entered in Excel spreadsheet
  3. A presentation created in PowerPoint
  4. A telephone diary
Correct Answer

Q3. To display hidden files

  1. Dir/hidden
  2. Attrib/ah
  3. Dir/ah
  4. None of above
Correct Answer

Q4. Ms Access: You can automatically include all of the field in a table in a query by___ a strike that appear list box in query design view

  1. Clicking
  2. Right clicking
  3. Double clicking
  4. None of the above
Correct Answer

Q5. Recently used application file list appears in the Windows operating system

  1. Setting menu
  2. Documents menu
  3. Run dialog box
  4. Programs menu
Correct Answer

Q6. Protocols are?

  1. Agreements on how communication components and DTE's are to communicate
  2. Logical communication channels for transferring data
  3. Physical communication channels sued for transferring data
  4. None of above
Correct Answer

Q7. Which of the following is correct in VLSM?

  1. Can have subnets of different sizes
  2. Subnets must be in same size
  3. No required of subnet
  4. All of above
Correct Answer

Q8. What hole will allocates in “Worst-Fit” algorithm of memory management?

  1. It allocates the smaller hole than required memory hole
  2. It allocates the smallest hole from the available memory holes
  3. It allocates the largest hole from the available memory holes
  4. It allocates the exact same size memory hole
Correct Answer

Q9. Ms Excel:When a range is selected, how can you activate the previous cell?

  1. Press the Alt key
  2. Press Tab
  3. Press Enter
  4. None of above
Correct Answer

Q10. Ms Access: What does the show check box in query design window indicate

  1. It indicates whether the field is to be used or not
  2. It indicates whether the field is to be displayed in query result or not
  3. It indicates whether the field names to be displayed in query result or not
  4. None of above
Correct Answer

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