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Ms Access: The file extension for an access 2003 database is
  1. Exe
  2. Doc
  3. Exc
  4. Mdb

Q2. Virtual memory typically located on

  1. RAM
  2. CPU
  3. Flash card
  4. Hard drive
Correct Answer

Q3. Which command is used to combine F1 and F2 file into the file F3

  1. Copy F1+F2 F3
  2. Copy F3 F1+F2
  3. Copy F1+F2+F3
  4. Copy F1 F2+F3
Correct Answer

Q4. Which of the following are the cheapest memory devices in terms of Cost/Bit?

  1. Semiconductor memories
  2. Magnetic Disks
  3. Compact Disks
  4. Magnetic Tapes
Correct Answer

Q5. Which device is used to backup the data?

  1. Floppy Disk
  2. Tape
  3. Network Drive
  4. All of the above
Correct Answer

Q6. MSI is the abbreviation of

  1. Medium Scale Integrated
  2. Medium System Integrated
  3. Medium Scale Intelligent
  4. Medium System Intelligent
Correct Answer

Q7. Ms PowerPoint:Which key deletes text before, or the left of, the insertion point?

  1. Backspace
  2. Page up
  3. Delete
  4. Page down
Correct Answer

Q8. Which of the following is not a network hardware?

  1. Network Switch
  2. Bridge
  3. Print Server
  4. Network Interface Card
Correct Answer

Q9. Which of the following operating system reads and reacts in actual time?

  1. Quick Response System
  2. Real Time System
  3. Time Sharing System
  4. Batch Processing System
Correct Answer

Q10. Ms Excel:Which of the following is an absolute cell reference?

  1. !A!1
  2. $A$1
  3. #a#1
  4. A1
Correct Answer

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