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Computer Question Bank
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Ms PowerPoint: Which types of fonts are best suitable for titles and headlines
  1. serif fonts
  2. sans serif fonts
  3. text fonts
  4. picture fonts

Q2. Identify the correct statement

  1. IBM PCs used RISC CPU designs
  2. Macintosh used CISC CPU design
  3. IBM used CISC CPU design
  4. None of above is true
Correct Answer

Q3. Which operation is not performed by computer

  1. Inputting
  2. Processing
  3. Controlling
  4. Understanding
Correct Answer

Q4. What is the latest write-once optical storage media?

  1. Digital paper
  2. Magneto-optical disk
  3. WORM disk
  4. CD-ROM disk
Correct Answer

Q5. Which type of computers uses the 8-bit code called EBCDIC?

  1. Minicomputers
  2. Microcomputers
  3. Mainframe computers
  4. Super computer
Correct Answer

Q6. Ms Excel:Which setting you must modify to print a worksheet using letterhead?

  1. Paper
  2. Margin
  3. Layout
  4. Orientation
Correct Answer

Q7. Which of the following memory unit that processor can access more rapidly

  1. Main Memory
  2. Virtual Memory
  3. Cache memory
  4. Read Only Memory
Correct Answer

Q8. Intel corporation produces chips for which computers?

  1. IBM PCs
  2. Apple/Macintosh PCs
  3. Both of above
  4. None of above
Correct Answer

Q9. Ms PowerPoint:What are lines, curve, freeform, and scribble?

  1. Emphasis effects that can be applied to animations
  2. Types of custom motion paths
  3. Predefined entrance and exit effects
  4. All of the above
Correct Answer

Q10. To move to the beginning of a line of text, press the __________ key.

  1. a
  2. pageup
  3. enter
  4. home
Correct Answer

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