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Computer Question Bank
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Ms Word: Headers and footers can include text and graphics, as well as the _____.
  1. current date
  2. page number
  3. current time
  4. all of the above

Q2. Ms Word: With which view can you see how text and graphics will appear on the printed page?

  1. Normal
  2. Print Layout
  3. Outline
  4. Web Layout
Correct Answer

Q3. All of the following are TRUE regarding virtual memory EXCEPT

  1. Any amount of RAM can be allocated to virtual memory
  2. The setting for the amount of hard disk drive space to allocate virtual memory canbe manually change
  3. This temporary storage is called the swap file or page file
  4. Virtual memory is the physical space o the hard drive
Correct Answer

Q4. What is a light pen?

  1. Mechanical Input device
  2. Optical input device
  3. Electronic input device
  4. Optical output device
Correct Answer

Q5. Ms Access: Collection of related records in a database is known as

  1. File
  2. Bench
  3. Table
  4. Relationship
Correct Answer

Q6. Ms Access: How many relations may exist between tables in databases?

  1. 4
  2. 3
  3. 2
  4. 1
Correct Answer

Q7. Ms PowerPoint: Which of the following will not advance the slides in a slide show view?

  1. The esc key
  2. The space bar
  3. The enter key
  4. The mouse button
Correct Answer

Q8. Identify the correct statement

  1. IBM PCs used RISC CPU designs
  2. Macintosh used CISC CPU design
  3. IBM used CISC CPU design
  4. None of above is true
Correct Answer

Q9. From which generation computers the printers were used?

  1. first
  2. second
  3. third
  4. fourth
Correct Answer

Q10. When we double click on my computer

  1. Show the content of your saved files
  2. Show the list of your computer drive
  3. List of deleted files and folders
  4. All of the above
Correct Answer

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