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Computer Question Bank
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Ms PowerPoint:Which of the following is the default page setup orientation for notes pages, outlines and handouts?
  1. Vertical
  2. Landscape
  3. Portrait
  4. None of above

Q2. Abacus was the first

  1. electronic computer
  2. mechanical computer
  3. electronic calculator
  4. mechanical calculator
Correct Answer

Q3. The first Macintosh computer was from

  1. First generation
  2. Second generation
  3. Third generation
  4. Fourth generation
Correct Answer

Q4. The operating system creates ... from the physical computer

  1. Virtual space
  2. Virtual computer
  3. Virtual device
  4. None
Correct Answer

Q5. Ms Word: “Ctrl + Backspace” is used to

  1. Delete the single letter just before the cursor
  2. Delete the single letter just after the cursor
  3. Delete the word just before the cursor
  4. Delete the word just after the cursor
Correct Answer

Q6. Which command will divide the surface of the blank floppy disk into sector and assign a unique address to each one?

  1. Ver
  2. Format
  3. FAT
Correct Answer

Q7. Which of the following is not input unit device?

  1. scanner
  2. camera
  3. plotter
  4. digitizer
Correct Answer

Q8. Ms Access: in MS Access, OLE Object Data type can store

  1. Microsoft Word documents
  2. Microsoft Excel spreadsheets
  3. Sounds
  4. All of the Above
Correct Answer

Q9. Ms PowerPoint:What's the easy way to apply varied animations to test on slides

  1. apply effects in the custom animation text pane
  2. apply an animation scheme
  3. customize bullets with animated clipart
  4. all of above
Correct Answer

Q10. Ms Access: Which part of the IIF expression is the action performed if the true condition exists?

  1. inner
  2. first
  3. second
  4. third
Correct Answer

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