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English Question Bank
for Exam preparation

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Now, James, are you quite sure that I’m not putting you ______ (putting you to any trouble)?
  1. after
  2. by
  3. out
  4. over

Q2. Always turn your television off ______.

  1. when you went to bed
  2. as soon as you got bored
  3. after you have fallen asleep
  4. before you leave home
Correct Answer

Q3. I’ll stay home if it ______.

  1. rained
  2. rains
  3. will rain
  4. won’t rain
Correct Answer

Q4. Find the synonym of the following words written in capitals. ***** The woman adds water to UNITE the flour and the milk.

  1. connect
  2. make
  3. join
  4. complex
  5. combine
Correct Answer

Q5. “Fantastic! I’ve actually passed my exam!” exclaimed Janet. Janet was delighted to find that _______.

  1. I’d passed my exam
  2. I’ve passed my exam
  3. she’s passed her exam
  4. she’d passed her exam
Correct Answer

Q6. Next August, while you ______ for your exams, I ______ on a Mediterranean beach.

  1. are preparing / will be
  2. were preparing / would be
  3. prepare / will be
  4. were preparing / was
Correct Answer

Q7. It was so foggy that she couldn’t make ______ the road ahead.

  1. out
  2. over
  3. up
Correct Answer

Q8. Trains that are late really …

  1. wind me up
  2. wind down
  3. blow up
  4. blow me down
Correct Answer

Q9. If we______ the plan you suggest, we are more likely to be successful.

  1. decide
  2. elect
  3. command
  4. vote
  5. adopt
Correct Answer

Q10. Many kinds of ________ animals are disappearing or have already disappeared from the earth.

  1. brave
  2. untamed
  3. unfriendly
  4. angry
  5. wild
Correct Answer

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